11 April 2010 – Wayne Austin
Reading: Ephesians 6:10-18
During the week I thought and prayed about what I wanted to share this morning and pretty clear ideas were starting to form. By Friday morning those had virtually completely gone out the window. I believe God wants me to talk about something I know very little about………which is a bit strange really, but let's see what God has to say to us anyway.
What is the hope you have in Jesus? Why do you go to the trouble of being a Christian? What is so special about your relationship with Jesus that would make you go through the pain barrier for him? Is your faith, your hope, strong enough to be really tested?
I consider myself to be a positive person and can get frustrated with negativity, or defensiveness, or even just over cautiousness. And so I find it a little odd that I should feel led to speak about being prepared to defend yourself. What I feel I need to share with you is born of a very recent experience and trying to understand what that was all about.
This week I have become acutely aware this week of my vulnerability in trying to live my life for Christ. Jesus warned us the road of following him would not guarantee an easy ride. When we accept Jesus as our Saviour and Lord, it is not a guarantee to an easy life. Indeed if we give our all in doing this, we are actually opening ourselves up to challenges of many kinds. But Jesus prepared us for this eventuality. He also said that he sent the Holy Spirit to be with us to help us through the hard times and if we persevere our reward will be great.
I have thought long and hard about sharing this. It is actually a really difficult topic to talk about and not a popular one. It is often avoided. But I believe God wants us all to be ready to deal with certain challenges. The old saying "fore-warned is fore-armed" is still relevant, and I pray this will help and encourage you to live out your faith in Christ in an even more dedicated and informed way. We need to learn the effect of things that upset us - it may be a phone call - it may be an omission - it may be a flippant comment. Whatever it is, sometimes they have a much greater affect on us than we could ever expect. And we need to learn how to deal with them.
I had a situation early in the week that for some reason really upset me and continued to do so during the week. I have experienced similar situations before but for some reason this was so much worse. Those other situations I had been able to deal with - perhaps it was because it was the nature of the business I was involved in and I was prepared for such things - and I just accepted that went with the job. So I just couldn't understand why this episode should affect me so deeply and emotionally. I have prayed about it. I tried to hand it over to God. Other people prayed for me. But still I was troubled. Gradually during the week I came to understand the reason it was so painful.
It was because it was my spirit that had been bruised. Not my pride. Not me wanting to have my own way. It was my spirit. And the powerful effect your spirit being attacked has shocked me. It is something I have never experienced before.
You see our essential being is our spirit, which is simply clothed in our earthly body. When our physical body dies, our spirit lives on. So our spirit is the core of who we are. And when that spirit is hurt, that hurt strikes right at the heart of who we are, making it even more painful.
How does this happen? What I understand from the bible is that Satan will do all he can to spoil the work God is doing in you and through you. When things are going well for you in your walk with Christ - that is the time to be most careful - because that is very worrying for Satan - he wants to stop that - he wants control of you - he can't stand seeing Jesus as Lord of your life - and he will take advantage of any slight weakness to attack you. (Job 1:9-11)
How can we guard against this happening?
Paul says in Ephesians 6:10-18 that we should be under no false illusion - we will come under attack. We need therefore to put on the armour of God.
The full armour of God is………
1. The belt of truth
This is the first step in standing against Satan. What is truth? It is discovering God's way of living through his word. (John 17:17) Living in love and honesty. That is integrity - being the same on the outside as we are on the inside - as long as it is love that is inside us - God's love - because then love will determine our values, and how they impact on others.
Then there is no deceit, no double standard, no hypocrisy in your life - nothing Satan can take pleasure in. (Ps.51:6)
2. The breastplate of righteousness
The breast plate was a metal covering over the chest and down to the thighs. It principally protected the heart. The 'heart' is often used to describe the source of our emotions or feelings. To put on the breastplate of righteousness means to protect against feelings that drag us down - even to depression and despair. Even if you feel unworthy we need to understand that, yes, we are human - BUT - realize that we don't just stand on our efforts. We have the huge advantage of having the righteousness (or perfection) of Jesus covering us because we belong to him. (Read Ps.51:10-12). This requires a deliberate action from us to believe this that Jesus will always love us. He will never let us down. He will protect us. DON'T try and do it on your own.
3. The shoes of the gospel of peace
Or be sure footed - firmly grounded. This simply means to make sure you know what you believe about the Gospel and stand firm about that. Be sure of the hope that is within you - why do you believe - why are you a disciple of Jesus? Any preparation for battle involves knowing the cause you are defending. For disciples of Jesus, this involves reading and studying and meditating on God's scripture. You need good shoes so you won't slip up.
4. The shield of faith
You need a shield of protection because Satan will attack you - there is nothing surer. Think of Job. This may be in the form of negative thoughts, impure thoughts and imaginations. Or strong doubts can come into your mind without warning. It can happen in various ways.
Use the shield of faith by actively refusing to believe or accept anything that is opposed to what God says is true and right. Believe God is who he says he is and will do what he promises.
I have dealt with such things from time to time by speaking directly to Satan - renouncing him and reminding him that in dying on the cross Jesus had victory over him, and that I am covered by the blood that Jesus shed on the cross. The bible is clear that in his death and resurrection Jesus conquered Satan. Believe it! Claim it! Claim the victory.
5. The helmet of salvation
The helmet of salvation protects our minds. It gives assurance of what God is doing in our lives now and what he is going to do in the future. God's plans are perfect. We may not always understand what is going on, just as I didn't earlier this week. To keep us from despair and confusion we must recognize and believe God IS in control (Is.55:8-9)
6. The sword of the spirit
As I said earlier, I like to be positive. The final piece of armour to put on is the sword. It is the only part of the armour that can be used to attack. Attack is the best form of defense!
When the sword, the Word of God, is used against Satan it will repel him. We need to recognize when we are under attack or being tempted, that it is not of God. We need to remind Satan that we are not to be tempted and claim that victory. Knowing your scriptures helps greatly. Remember Jesus just quoted scripture at Satan when he was being tempted in the desert. Speak out aloud the Word of God, and you will see victory.
The armour described here is simple picture language for something deeper. Putting it on is essential, but it is not just mentally putting each piece on in a mechanical way. It is the defensive aspect of living our Christian lives that I referred to at the start. We must deliberately put on the armour. That is absolutely vital.
Being of a positive inclination, I believe there is another way of looking at this. Paul tells us in Romans 13:14 - "………clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ………" Our real protection comes out of a close relationship with Jesus. We MUST work on that every day. Spend time in prayer with him. Spend time meditating in the bible. Build your relationship closer and closer each day, so that the way you live for him becomes a natural way of life. And you will have the confidence of knowing he knows what you go through - and that he will help you through it.
Take a positive, actively intentional approach to prepare yourself for living your Christian life.
Because………if someone asked about your relationship with Jesus what would you be able to say. What is the hope you have in Jesus? Why go to the trouble of being a Christian if you are going to face this opposition from Satan that I have been talking about? There has to be something special about being a Christian to make it worthwhile.
For me it is the revelation of personally knowing God's love in my heart. That gives me new life - life in abundance - and life for eternity.
What is it that would make you even need to put on the armour of God - to fight for Jesus?
What is the hope you have? I encourage you to take time to seriously think about that.
Write it down. This really helps to focus your thoughts. Sharing it out loud also confirms it in your mind and heart because it is one thing to keep it to yourself, but it really gives it life and reality when you speak it out aloud. And it will give you confidence that the battle is worthwhile - that you will overcome - in Christ's strength - and you will experience victory.
What is the hope that you have? It is you who has to decide what that is. It is personal to you. I pray that you will prayerfully think about it and in doing so you will know and experience a victorious life lived for Jesus.