CPAC Sermon "Hit the Brakes, Pull over and Rest!" Hebrews 4:1-13 19 October 2008 by Pete Watson
1. Rhythms of life - having a Sabbath day rest is important
2. Stop to hear God's voice - I heard God speak to me through scripture through Ephesians 5:25, that I needed to lay down my life and move to New Zealand, so here I am!
3. Ceasing our own efforts and depending on the work of another, 2 vereses that teach us this are:
Galations 2:20 and Matt 11:28.
4. Quiet times and important, we need to leave them feeling refreshed in order to gain strength for the journey.
5. Walking with Jesus is a pilrgimage, and that ties in with the Sesqui year for the diocese. We cant continue on own journey without rest. In a backpack we would have water, food, a map and warm clothing for a journey. Spiritually we need the same type of thing.
6. We need space and solitude so we can listen to God. Jesus said in John 15:5, Apart from me you can do nothing, so we need to rest in him!
Also I read a quote from Messy Spirituaility thats says we need to admit that we are unnecessary in order to rest, to relaise that the world can go on without us and thats a hard thing to do! BUT it is do - able with God's help as that is his will for us!