Wayne Austin
Reading: John 15:1-17
The key founding vision of our church 17 years ago was that it was to be a cell based church. Cells are fundamental to life. Cells create life of their own, and that life has a purpose - to grow and multiply. The principle then was to involve people in cell groups and for a number of years that principle seemed to work - perhaps not nearly as perfectly as it was hoped it would, but there were many flourishing home groups. They have always been an important central part of the life of our church here. They are starting to gain new life again perhaps in a different way with the enthusiasm and encouragement of Phil in getting men's 4X4 groups going. And a number of those are reconvening or starting from scratch. This is really encouraging because of the recognition from our recent parish consultation that one of the things we as a church need to focus on is small groups. So some 17 years after that was seen as being integral to the life of our church, we still think that to be so.
The other key recommendation from the parish consultation is that we need to be much more outwardly active in connecting people and Christ. At the church leader's planning session a month ago we felt that these two factors - small groups and outreach - were linked. How is this so?
Well what does it take for us to bear fruit for Christ? I think there are at least three principles:
1. We need to KNOW him
2. We need to GROW in our relationship with him
3. We need to SHOW our love for him.
Let us look at the gospel reading - John 15:1-17. This was the foundational scripture of our church all those years ago. It may seem that I am going backwards in making these foundational connections - when clearly our church wants to move forwards. I don't think I could ever be accused as one who dwells on the past - in fact I have been actively over these past 4 months trying to direct our vision forward. But I do believe we can learn from the past.
It is remarkable how that foundational scripture and foundational principle of cell groups keeps coming into our thinking. It makes me realise how forward thinking our church leaders were those 17 years ago. They had the imagery of preparing the ground for the planting of the vine, the watering, the nurturing, the pruning - all so that a great harvest of fruit could be reaped. That truth is still relevant today.
So let's look first at the KNOWING part.
John 15:4 talks about remaining in Christ - to grow deeper into Christ - to seek him - to know him better - to have a great trusting relationship with him. That is why we must centre on Jesus - abide in him - and very importantly allow him to abide in us. For him to become part of who we are.
I believe it is possible to have a healthy inward looking attitude sometime, especially when your focus is on your relationship with God and with others. And while we are all expected to take personal responsibility for this a small group environment is a place where this can also be done together with others of a like mind with the desire to encourage us and help us to be accountable.
I have just changed the 4X4 men's group I meet with. In my previous group, we were all at different stages on our walk with the Lord but we still learned together, and we learned from each other, and we shared our learning. It was an environment where we have a lot of fun together, and we built up relationships and confidences. And then we were able to openly share our questions - and our doubts - and revelations about our relationship with God - in a warm, supportive, non-threatening or judgmental way.
It was a place for me where a lot of my learning about God and my relationship with him and other has taken place.
That building of relationships and confidences in your group is so important. It can't - and mustn't be rushed. We all feel we need to be able to trust and be trusted before we can openly share what is on our hearts. But when we do that is when real learning and growth takes place.
Secondly the GROWING part.
John 15:5. The vine of course is the main stem or support. It is the source of all nourishment and strength. In fact everything that the branch and fruit needs comes from the vine. They can't exist without it, let alone flourish. Jesus is our vine. He gives his branches - us - LIFE! For this to happen we learn to be obedient to him - to be strengthened and refreshed by him - to feed off him - to draw strength from him - to be empowered by him. And Jesus did say at the end of this verse….."Without me, you can do nothing." Even with the support of a close home group, it is still up to us to develop that close reliance on Jesus to do what he wants us to do - to bear fruit.
Remember Paul kept on saying things like - "When I am weak then I am strong" - and "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Because he knew if he trusted Christ, by his Spirit, to enable him - then he could do far more abundantly than he could ever imagine.
So yes, we are all expected to take personal responsibility for this too, but a small group environment is a place we can be encouraged and developed along with others on a similar journey. And so our trust and effectiveness for Jesus will grow.
So small groups are also environments to encourage us to look upward - to focus on God through Jesus. Because from him, and only him, comes our true source of life and growth.
Small groups are places where you can be honest about your life and where others can reflect on this with you. The Christian life is a journey of "come walk with me", and it is so special to have a group of liked minded people to walk that journey with you - to support you, and to encourage you - and you them.
The goal from all that learning and growing must show results though.
Finally the SHOWING part.
John 15:17. Small groups are also safe places in which you can freely explore your passions and dreams - and try them out, and see if that is something God would want to use your gifts and abilities in. This is so important. I think we have got into a mindset that is the "church's" job to do outreach. So we again ask the question - what is the church?
Well - quite simply - it is you and me as members of Christ's body. Each one of us has that responsibility to do the outreach wherever God calls us to be - in the home, in the workplace, in school, in recreation, wherever we are. Church Council asked me at the meeting in May to come up with definitions of outreach and mission. With the Elders we have probably settled on these:
Evangelism/outreach - is the action of connecting people and Christ through our Holy Spirit inspired prayer, words, and actions of love. This should be both through specific evangelistic happenings and through the “priesthood of all believers” (1 Peter 2:9) as we are all called to be Christ’s ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20) in our "everyday worlds."
Mission - is the action of being sent out to connect people and Christ in places beyond our “everyday worlds”, in the Samaria’s of the world, the places that are foreign to us. These places could be in our own neighbourhood, town, or country. They could also be in other countries.
We believe the small groups are the breeding ground for us to reach out to others in whatever way God has gifted us. They are places where others can see/identify the gifts God has given us. We sometimes find it hard to see them in ourselves. But our close friends are wonderful sources of encouragement for us to try out those gifts - to practice and develop them so we gain confidence and training in a safe, supportive environment.
But also, there are people in our church who have a real passion for a particular outreach area. You will read in the Wine Press this week of such a passion - of Karen and her ministry to the elderly. In recent years there was a list circulating of over 20 outreach ministries that individuals in our church were involved in. But that was just it. It was left up to the individuals to pursue those ministries, and sometimes that can make you feel that you really are on your own. How much better it would be if you felt the church was behind you - supporting you - encouraging you, even with some others joining you. How much more effective that ministry would be if others could capture your vision and passion.
I can testify to this very point. The PALS ministry to business people that we launched in the city a couple of weeks ago was very much supported by my 4X4 group and I got a great deal of encouragement from those guys. I was able sound out ideas with them in formulating the ministry, and we even did a study series on the principles over a number of weeks. Some of the guys were even able to come to the launch, and as they say - you can't put a price on that - it is so supportive and encouraging.
So small groups can be a place to germinate your ideas for outreach - to shape your ideas - and to gain support in prayer and in other ways, and gain the confidence to put them into practice.
That is what we want to encourage. It seems such an obvious way for those ministries to develop - in groups. St Paul's church in Symonds St in Auckland is a very successful growing Anglican church. But it wasn't always so, until about 7 years ago when a new clergy team arrived from England with a real missional attitude. That church now operates what they call clusters - groups of people with a specific focus for meeting and that focus is outreach to a particular sector of society. I would love to see that model of small group or outreach focus develop here. That is some way away perhaps - or maybe not, but it is something we could pursue.
But the message from the Show point is this. Small groups must have a focus - a goal - a reason for being. My last 4X4 group had the focus of equipping ourselves to be effective in living out our faith in the workplace. Small groups should be places where as well as looking after each other - you also look outward.
To summarize those points:
We look inward to develop our relationship with Jesus by getting to know him better.
We look upward to Jesus to grow in his strength and enabling.
We look outward to a community in need - to show Christ's love for them.
And that is the key. Whatever our part in outreach or mission may turn out to be, the key above all for it to be successful - is love
John 15:9-17. Our love for Jesus shown in our love for each other - in our small groups - in our church - to our fellow Christians in the body of Christ - and shown in our love for others (the Great Commandment)……………this is what Jesus says will bear fruit.
He will know we love him if we obey him. And his command is that we love one another, and GO and make disciples.
I really encourage you - to look for a small group to join - or to start your own group. And please do so with the intention of not only looking to get to know others better, but also Jesus - to look to grow in your relationship with him and in your effectiveness for him. BUT particularly with the aim of equipping yourself to go in his power to show Christ's love to others.
You will be blessed beyond measure - as Karen shared in the Wine Press today - but you will be an amazing blessing to others and in so doing will bring glory to God.
That is our ultimate purpose in living for Christ - to bring glory and worship to him.
May God richly bless you as you do.