Wednesday, November 24, 2010

God's Best 21.11.10 Ephesians 4:1-16

Wayne Austin

Intro – people have been through tough times this year – and of course good times. I have been asking you of recent weeks - "what is God doing in your life?" How has he changed your life during this time? Has he revealed anything new to you? As we as a church have waited to see who it is that God has to lead us - are we getting impatient? Or have we faithfully been praying for that person and for God's will to be done?

Interregnums while we wait for a new priest are I am sure for a good purpose. Waiting is never easy, and in waiting we can get impatient or discouraged. But we can also take an attitude to really seek God and learn to trust him fully, depend on him, and deepen our relationship with him. What has God taught you during these past 9 months of the interregnum? Some I know have definitely grown in their faith because they have truly been seeking God through personal reading of the Bible more regularly - as Roger encouraged us to do in his Wine Press comment today. And intentionally through dedicated personal time in prayer - whether brought about because of difficult times in their lives - or maybe because of genuinely seeking God's will for our church and his provision of new leadership. Some people have taken personal responsibility for their faith development I know.

For me, I am very grateful for the opportunity given me to serve in this role during the interregnum. 15 months ago I had never remotely considered the possibility of being involved in such a role. From a personal point of view it has proved to be a very valuable time of discovery and confirmation for me of what my calling in ordination truly is – and what it isn’t - as I have truly had to depend on God for his guidance, and his enabling. Without that I could not have coped.

Five years ago I was in the middle of studying a paper through Laidlaw College on Discipleship. I had one of those "God moments" when the Lord clearly spoke to me making something jump out at me from the text. It was a definition of a pastor……”A pastor is someone who cares for God's people and equips them to do the work of Christian service.” That struck an immediate chord with me. I knew immediately it was what God wanted of me. As a result of that simple definition of a pastor I started exploring the possibility of ordination, praying, speaking with respected confidents, undergoing thorough interviews, study and training. I was ordained in 2007. But that wasn't the end of the training. God's preparation is for a lifetime and over the time since that has continued - sometimes very painfully. And the training will continue I know. The bible tells us we are a work in progress - gradually being transformed day by day to be more and more like Christ. And it is only he who can achieve that in us - by the Holy Spirit changing us from within.

That definition of a pastor comes really from that passage in Ephesians 4. The word equip in Greek is 'katartismos' - which means "the furnishing of." If we moved into an empty house at least we would have a roof over our heads to give us shelter, but for it to be fully functional and useful for the purpose it was designed it needs to be furnished. The same applies for us as Christians. Our purpose as a follower of Christ is more than just sitting back knowing we are promised eternal life as a member of God's family - that assurance we have as soon as we accept Jesus into our life. No it is much more! It is be equipped to obey Christ's command to go and make disciples - to continue his work here on earth.

We equip, or furnish, God's people by teaching God's word and applying it to daily life, helping people discover their gifts, and giving them opportunities to put those gifts to work. Just the way Jesus trained and equipped his disciples. It is a bit like the coach of a sports team or a conductor of an orchestra - it is helping every member to play a useful and fulfilling part. For the Christian it is in the ministry of Christ.

I am blessed that I have had that calling affirmed for me during my time in this role. This time last year I was at a retreat day at Waikanae and at lunchtime one of the other participants put a scrap of paper on front of me. He didn't know me very well at all - yet he had a word of knowledge for me. I have since learned that he does have this gift and others have had similar experiences with him. This word was just written on this scrap of paper. But this word of knowledge confirmed some 4 years after receiving that prompt to explore ordination what my calling really was. God speaks to us in various ways – we have to be alert to those “God moments”. I never ever did feel called to be a parish priest. God is faithful and patient and gracious though. He wants the best for me - and he has plans for me. But for that to happen there is a certain way we have to behave - with the attitude of Christ (Philippians 2:5-8).

Some of the words written on that scrap of paper last November said……"Hold lightly to the trappings of role but rather establish a common heart and mind to serve one another.” And “It's time - God's time, not simply your time. Honour God and see God at work.” The message for me was - that we need to be humble like Christ and to do things his way. Not get ahead of him because he really does know the path we are to take, and when to take it.

What God has shown he has for me to do - and the different ways he has shown me that - he also wants to show you - that he has something very special - the very best for you too.

So please continually seek God - through personal reading of the Bible and intentionally in dedicated personal time in prayer. Knock on doors - be willing to have them shut on you - but God will lead you through the right one - in his time - not yours.

Waiting - what is it for? I believe it is to build up our faith and trust and reliance on him. Otherwise it could be all about what we do - not about what God is doing in and through us.

The other aspect of my time in this role that I feel is very helpful to have learned is this - no one person can do everything. Well we all know that don't we? Well do we - truly?

What I am about to share should not be taken in any way that I have any inside knowledge on what stage the nominators are at in their search for a new vicar. I can assure you I know absolutely no more than you do. But having spent 9 months in the vicar type role I feel I do have some insights that I should share that will be helpful to our understanding when that new Vicar does come.

At our parish consultation 9 months ago we came up with a wish list for our new Vicar.

· Ability and desire to equip and encourage the body to fulfil their giftings

· Vibrant and energetic person of God with integrity and authenticity

· Faith and vision to lead and grow our church moving forward

· Spirit-filled, Bible-based passionate leader

· Willing and able to inspire and empower others to pursue their gifts

· To fulfill Christ’s mission within the church and in the community

· Faithful to God

· Serving, loving, joyful to all generations

· Feel a call to Churton Park

· An emphasis on mission

· A strong leader who can delegate and equip us – the flock

· Missional focus

· Equipping leadership

· Spirit-led

Whew! One of the consultants that day said in a quiet aside to me “Jesus could even struggle with that lot!” Well we know Jesus wouldn't struggle- but he is the only person who wouldn't.

In our reading from Ephesians Paul spelled out what we often refer to as the five fold ministries - "It was he (Christ) who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers."

I can see in that list above, that we expected all those 5 ministries of our new vicar! That is an unrealistic and unfair expectation of course. Fortunately our nominators rationalised the expectations somewhat to this - as published in the Wine Press a few weeks ago. It is to be a person who:

· demonstrates a passionate love for God and His Word in order to show His love for others

· builds relationships with others in order to share faith

· is Spirit led in their walk with God and in the encouragement of others

· can equip and empower others to influence the community

I am sure we wouldn't disagree with any of this - and it is very much in line with what Paul says is the purpose for those specifically called to such roles in that Ephesians 4 passage.

But don't we so often have huge expectations of our Vicar?

For some it is very important that he or she is a dynamic preacher (sometimes referred to as prophesy) so they have a persuasiveness and power in speech.

But then it is absolutely vital they care for the flock too as a pastor isn’t it? To have someone who has the gift of watching over a group of people and growing them in their spiritual and personal lives by nurturing and guiding them with wise counsel. Well - we all want that don't we - to be loved and cared for?

And if they happened to be an evangelist and draws the people into church with an unstoppable passion that enables them to regularly lead others to Christ - well isn't that their job?

And taking initiative to reach into the community - taking an apostolic role to pioneer new territory to make major in-roads with the Gospel message. Well isn't that what we stated we want our church to focus on in our parish consultation - to reach out into the community?

And of course it is absolutely essential they are great teachers to be able to expound the truths of God’s Word to build up the Body of Christ. Well that is vital too! Non-negotiable!

And all that is not taking into account what has truly surprised me this year - that a great amount of your vicar's time will be taken up in just day to day administration and the organisation of simply running the church. Now I really believe this is a ridiculous aspect of the life of your ordained leader - that they spend years being trained theologically only to spend a disproportionate amount of their time behind a desk. Crazy - when their calling will have been from those 5 fold ministries we have just looked at. I believe that has to be changed somehow.

And so I want to encourage you that when a new permanent Vicar is appointed – please be understanding of what the role does and doesn't include, and your expectations of the person. Make sure they are supported and encouraged and given time to live a balanced life.

That is where we have a vital role to play - you and me.

It obvious the vicar cannot do it all. We must support the person - be encouraging - and be willing to be obedient to God's call on your life and how he wants you to serve him.

John F Kennedy, ex president of the USA, was a great orator who made many stirring speeches. One included these famous lines - "And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world ask not what America will do for you. Ask what together we can do for the freedom of mankind."

I take the liberty to paraphrase these lines for our application………

“And so my fellow members of Churton Park Anglican Church, ask not what your new Vicar can do for you. Ask what you can do for him or her.”

‘My fellow members of Churton Park Anglican Church, ask not what our church is doing to reach out into the community. Ask what you individually - and we together - can do to connect people and Christ.”

I encourage you - seek God's best for you - and be what he wants you to be.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fresh Frontiers 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 10th October 2010

There is a bridge somewhere in Central America that was originally built to span over a significant river. Today after floods widened the river, the bridge sits on solid land with the river flowing either side of it. It is literally a bridge to nowhere - isolated from any usefulness. I wonder - is this a picture of the church today? Who are we trying to reach? Has our reason for being in existence changed? Are we cut off from being effective - not doing what we were originally designed to do - like this bridge - because the circumstances around us have changed?

I heard recently of a vicar who was trained under the old C of E model of the church in the middle of a village. Everyone came to the church - it was the centre of the village literally and socially. Mission wasn't actually necessary - people just came because it was the way of life. It was the thing you did. The vicar was looked up to and whose advice was sought and respected. He basically was there to do births, marriages, and funerals and weekly services - of course. Now as he heads toward the later stages of his ordained ministry he has realized that model has changed and the church MUST change too - in order to carry out the work of God - mission. Because you see…………MISSION STARTS WITH GOD.

At our clergy conference in July the keynote speaker made this statement………

'Mission has its origin in God. God is a missionary God, a God who crosses frontiers towards the world. In creation God was already the God of mission, with his Word and his Spirit as missionaries. God likewise sent his incarnate Son into the world.'

God created the world and its people for relationship - with each other - and with him. And when these broke down he sent Jesus into the world to restore those relationships. When you think about it, through OT times and through the ages, God has gone to extraordinary lengths to do this. So God has always been about mission - connecting people with each other and with himself - to spread his love. David Bosch says -

'Mission has its origin in the heart of God. God is a fountain of sending love. This is the deepest source of mission. It is impossible to penetrate deeper still: there is mission because God loves people.'

Love originates from God. He is the source of love, so love is at the heart of everything about God. That is his purpose for us and all he does. John 3:16 is the constant reminder of this - greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. God was prepared to go to that extraordinary length in order to reconcile the relationship between him and us.

Our mission statement for our church here is "Connecting People and Christ to bring healing, hope, and life." It is our stated intent, and desire that everyone comes into a loving personal relationship with God. That personal relationship is SO important. That it isn't just an intellectual connection with God - a trying to understand what God is all about. But it is a relationship of the heart - of our innermost being - that you just know you have a special connection with him - like you do in any other love relationship - it is almost un-definable - but it is so very real to those in the relationship. So what does mission mean for us as God's church?

I have a couple of quotes that will help us understand what it is. Think about them………

1. ‘The Church of God does not have a mission but the God of mission has a Church.’ (Tim Dearborn.)

Doesn't that actually make it easier for us? Because it is saying we are simply part of what God wants to do anyway. In fact without us, how would he carry out his mission?! God has us, as his church, to do mission. It is what he expects of us. What a privilege that God trusts us to do his mission for him!!! We shouldn't even be debating or discussing this. It should just be who we are as a church. Instead of thinking about organising programmes or activities to take care of ourselves we must be going about mission.

2. 'There is church because there is mission, not vice versa.' (David Bosch)

So are we doing it right? Is our focus truly missional? If we were intentional about this, the result would be that God's Kingdom would grow in the hearts and minds of his people that would translate into caring for each other and loving each other as a natural Spiritual outworking of this. The Great Commission was given by Jesus to his disciples that they should GO and make disciples themselves - and THEN baptise - or welcome them into the family of God, his church. It wasn't the other way around. We are commanded to go and make disciples. Jesus was very clear and definite about this.

Peter tells us in his first epistle that the church consists of the followers of Christ. It is those people. It is not a building. It is the people of God.

In the passage Vickie read this morning Paul is saying


n 19 I have made myself a slave to all so that I might win more of them.

n 20 To the Jews I became as a Jew,

n 21 To those outside the law I became as one outside the law

n 22 I have become all things to all people

n 23 I do it all for the sake of the gospel

It is obvious to me how important it is to relate well to people in THEIR setting - not in ours. And the reason?

'As far as possible he (Paul) has deliberately identified himself with those whom he has sought to win for the gospel.' Morna Hooker

Why would he do that? Remember Paul as Saul set out to destroy the Christians, so now why would he go out of his way to deliberately identify with them? He says -

‘I do it all for the sake of the gospel.’ 1 Cor. 9:23. It was purely to spread the good news of Jesus.

Paul's missionary methods were very straight forward and simple - as you would expect of Paul - he was very direct………

‘What Paul describes is the self identification of Christ with men and women which, in turn, results in their sharing in what he is.’ Morna Hooker

So Paul is encouraging the Christians in Corinth to identify themselves with Christ - not just to meet our own needs - to acknowledge him as not only Saviour - but also as Lord - and so to imitate him in his attitudes and methods and way of living. Paul says -

‘Be imitators of me as I am of Christ.’ (1 Cor.11:1) Firstly as………

A slave

Remember Jesus said - "I came not to be served but to serve." Then how can we do anything but do likewise? Paul also said he became as one………

Outside the Law

This doesn't mean that we are above the law of the land and that we can do anything we like. It means we need to be above the pharisaical attitude of sticking to the extreme letter of the law - of traditions - of ritual - of religiosity. Instead we need to be living a life of love and servant hood as Jesus modeled.

Last weekend I met Dave. He has a ministry to bikkies. He has placed himself in the world of the bikkies, but not of it. Why? To win them for Christ. He is definitely not of the traditional priest mould. He has long hair, a bushy drooping moustache, and a God Squad patch on his T shirt. But he was a person who deeply impressed me with his love for and his commitment to be mission for his Lord and Saviour. Religiosity doesn't enter his mindset. And yet those people he has this contact with regard him as their priest even though he isn't ordained as one, such is the recognition of something very different about him for them. That something they probably aren't able to yet recognize as being "Christ in Dave." Yet in his way, Dave is able to provide that connection between the bikkies and Christ.

To connect people and Christ is what God needs his church for to carry out his mission.

BUT contrary to what we often think - it isn't actually OUR mission. Clark Pinnock has said God’s work is………

‘Mission is a Spirit event – it is God’s mission, not ours. It is not a duty following the work of Christ but is itself God’s work.'

That is very important to recognize. We mustn't get involved in God's mission out of a sense of duty. Each one of us has a particular corner of God's mission field that he has prepared us to serve him in. Seeing he has prepared us for it specifically we must be careful we find that corner he has for us by recognizing: our passion for where we are to serve; our calling from God; and our gifting.

About 3 years ago a passage from 2 Timothy 1:6-9 made a huge impact on me. We mustn't do something out of a feeling of duty because as Paul says in this passage we have each been given a gift to use for God and a spirit of power (the power of the Holy Spirit). We are called to live a holy life. God requires us first and foremost to live a life of godly character (fruit of the Spirit) even before a life of service. So we seek to live out our faith when and where purely because of God's grace and purpose for us. This takes away the burden of striving because God has prepared everything for us and will enable us. All we have to do is be available. God will do the rest.

There are many fresh frontiers of ministry - they are anywhere God places you. Anything goes really. We just have to put aside that traditional church model and thinking. Church isn't just here on a Sunday - in a building - with a Vicar. The model is changing from just meeting our own needs - to GO, as Jesus told us to do, to meet the needs of others where they are most comfortable and love being.

Not every one of us has a calling to a specific ministry/outreach area. In our church we have people involved in ministry to the Elderly, DrugArm, the Indian community, Arohata, and so on, for example. Those could develop into new ways of being church - fresh frontiers of mission. AND………not everyone is called to be in the frontline. But those ministries cannot function without support bases - of prayer - encouragement - resourcing - and so on. But we must be involved because without everyone of us, God's mission cannot be fulfilled.

Our involvement at the very least must be in our families, to our neighbours, in our workplace, wherever we are called to live. It is non-negotiable. If we profess that Jesus is Lord, we have that call on our lives to be God's mission in our particular worlds.

In finishing, I challenge you to consider these questions:

Are we as this church here in Churton Park - like the bridge - cut off from the people God wants us to connect with? If we are, what are we prepared to do about it?

Are we willing to be courageous like the early pioneers - to press forward into fresh frontiers - to take a risk for Christ?

Or will we stay like that bridge - built for a specific purpose even though circumstances have changed, but people no longer COME to us.

Will we instead GO to them?

I really pray that we will.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The King of Glory (Psalm 24) 26 September 2010

After starting the year with a glorious New Wine 4 days with Jesus and His people I felt God said,” I want to show forth my glory in 2010” He’s doing it eg Subritzky meetings, the Alpha Course, the Baptisms. And now we’re looking forward to the India mission.

Intro: recall Psalm 22 about Christ’s agony in the garden and on the cross for us; recall Psalm 23 the risen Shepherd and carer of our souls.

Testimony from Singatoka SOMA service: “Start with a miracle” and “Lift up your heads!”

Release God’s power over pain. Declare CPAC a pain free zone in Jesus name.

Psalm 24 is a powerful psalm of battle and victory. e.g During the 2nd WW the Nazi armies drove the allied armies back across North Africa 1000 miles. They were pinned down in Egypt. General Montgomery, an Australian Bishop’s son, was appointed by Churchill to drive the German armies back. Before the battle of El Alamien he gathered his officers together and said, ‘Let us call on the God of battles’ then he instructed his chaplain to read psalm 24. NZ troops led a key night breakout. The victory that followed was a key turning point in the war that defeated Hitler‘s evil empire.

A. Who is the King of Glory?

Ÿ Opening verses tell us He is the Lord of the all the Earth for he created it all

Ÿ He is Lord of all the peoples and animals who live on Earth

Ÿ V 3-6 tell us who can dwell with God and enter his presence.

(1) Those with clean hands (who use their hands to bless the Lord and care for his people and creation).

(2) Those who have pure hearts.. Hearts cleansed by the blood of Jesus so their motives are always to love God and their neighbour. Cleansed of pride, hardness of heart and deceit.(liars watch out! you may not be admitted unless you repent)

Ÿ v.6 encourages us to be a generation of people who earnestly seek after God and his face. Jesus said, ‘Blessed are the pure(sincere and honest and humble and single-focused like a pair of loving doves and innocent) for they shall see God’. Math 5:8



‘David danced before the Lord with all his might; so David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with shouting and with the sound of the trumpet.

Micah looked out of the widow and saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord and she despised him in her heart.

They brought the ark of the Lord and set it in it’s place in the tent that David had pitched for it; and David offered burnt offerings and offerings of well-being before the Lord. When he had finished the offerings David blessed the people in the name of the Lord of

Hosts and distributed food among all the people.

Michal, the daughter of Saul and wife of David told David off for humbling himself before the Lord and before the people. She had no child to the day of her death.’

The Lord blessed David because he had a heart after God. But Micah was barren because she despised the enthusiastic worship of God. eg. Lifepoint Sunday school at the Webb St Synagogue sang and danced like David

2. JESUS RETURNED TO HEAVEN IN GREAT TRIUMPH. On the cross He declared; ‘It is finished’. He had paid the price for our redemption from sin and sickness. and slavery to Satan. On the cross Jesus was surrounded and pinned down by all the forces of evil. He willingly took them all upon himself. But God had planned a breakout. Jesus descended into Hell and released the captives and took the keys of death and hell. He rose again in triumph St Paul wrote in 1 Cor. 15: 3-8

‘I handed on to you as of first importance what I in turn had received; that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures and that he appeared to Peter then to the twelve, then to more than 500 brothers and sisters at one time most of whom are still alive… last of all he appeared also to me.’

He ascended to Heaven in Glory as Ephesians 4: 8-10 says,

‘When he ascended on high he made captivity itself a captive; he gave gifts to his people

When it says he ascended it means he also descended into the lower parts of the earth. He who descended is the same one who ascended far above all the heavens so that he might fill all things.’

In Rev. 1:17-18 John wrote: When I saw him I fell at his feet as though dead. But he placed his right hand on me saying, “Do not be afraid: I am the first and the last, and the living one. I was dead, and see I am alive forever and ever: and I have the keys of death and hell.”


B. How can welcome this glorious King?

1. LIFT UP YOUR HEADS oh ye gates. Welcome Him in to transform our minds by His Spirit Romans 12:2 says, ‘be transformed by the renewing of your minds…’

2. OPEN YOUR DOORS, your hearts to receive Christ as the one who comes to share our lives and His with us. In Revelations 3:20 Jesus says, “Listen,I am standing at the door, knocking: if your hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you and you with me”.

This promise of presence was made to perhaps the most reprimanded of all the 7 churches of Asia in Rev. 2-3. Laodicea was accused of indifference and luke warmness to God. eg. My conversations with my father.(read)

Today is the day to hear Jesus knocking on the doors and calling to us to ask Him in to our hearts, our minds, our church, our homes, our work places and all our lives. Let us commit ourselves to be that generation who passionately commit ourselves to seek his presence and his face.

‘If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways: then I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.”

2 Chron. 7:14

Now is the time to turn to Christ in prayer, confess our sins and welcome in the Lord of Glory.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Baptism of Jesus 5/9/10 – Baptism Service

Mathew 3:13-end

Intro: Today is an important day as we hold this baptism service for 4 people who have decided to follow Jesus and be baptised as he was. So I want us to think about Jesus’ baptism and our baptisms.


The reason He gave to John was: “to fulfill all righteousness”, He was doing 3 things:

1. He was obeying God. Righteousness means ‘Doing the right thing by God.

2. He was totally identifying himself with us sinful humans. He was doing the right thing for mankind.

3. He was honouring John the Baptist as a true prophet: a link person to all the OT prophets who went before him and a true prophet in recognising Jesus as the Messiah, the one who would bring in the new era of the Spirit. John prophesied, “ I baptise with water but he shall baptise you with the Holy Spirit.”


1. Jesus was baptised in the river Jordan by the prophet and his cousin John the Baptist and came up out of the water.

2. The heavens were torn open, a new era of open access to the Kingdom of Heaven through Jesus was started. That’s why he said to Nathaniel, ‘ you will see the angels of god ascending and descending on the Son of man” just like Jacob’s ladder which was an OT example of an open heaven experience. At the transfiguration Jesus let his 3 closest disciples preview the open heaven he established by his death on the cross for us and his mighty resurrection by the power of God. When he died for us the curtain of the temple blocking access to God’s presence was torn in two giving us all through Jesus access to God.

3. The Holy Spirit came to rest and remain upon Jesus like a dove. Just like at the beginning of creation the Spirit hovered over the waters so at the creation of this new creative relationship or covenant the Spirit came in power.

4. The Father spoke from Heaven. “You are my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.” This confirmed to Jesus who He was and to those around him who heard and to John the Baptist. So at Jesus baptism the Father, the Son and the Spirit were present as they are also at Christian Baptism. We baptise believers into the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


When I was baptised as a believer at age 21 I had seen a friend baptised in the Rangiora River and I was so moved by her experience of immersion baptism followed by the laying on of hands with prophecies and prayers that I wanted to experience that. As I was training to be an Anglican Priest at that time and had been christened as a baby I rejected the idea as nice for some but not for me. I thought it was just a personal choice. I had been baptised with and experienced the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues so I thought that was enough. But I was convicted by Acts 10:45 which is about people who had had the same experience as me and the Apostle Peter “commanded” them to be baptised. It was as if the finger of God was pointing straight at me and commanding me to be baptised. It was a difficult choice but I obeyed and was baptised as a believer by immersion.

But I was disappointed because there was no prayer or prophesy or laying on of hands as I came out of the water. I was just standing there wet and dripping and having a ‘pity party’ with God. Then I remembered those wonderful words, “You are my beloved son and I’m pleased with you.” Wow! That was better than all the prophesies and prayers so I held on to that. Ten years later when I was sitting in the unemployment bureau in Christchurch feeling very down and depressed and abandoned by God I cried out in my spirit, Where are you?’ and immediately I felt the Father say, “Remember you’re my son and remember I’m your father and you’re just as much my son sitting in the unemployment bureau as you are standing behind a pulpit preaching my Word.” Now, I always hold on to that word from God and it’s the basis of my personal identity with all the changes and challenges in life I may face.


We don’t know what challenges you being baptised today will face in the future but we know Christians must be tested as Jesus was. Overcoming tests with God’s help and carrying on as an active Christian is the best life both in this life on earth with the Holy Spirit and in Heaven with Christ. Your Baptism today is:

1. An identification with Jesus in his death and resurrection. By this baptism you are dying to sin and burying your old life and looking to enter a new resurrection life by the power of the Holy Spirit. When Paul was baptised in Acts 9 his eyes were opened, he was filled with the Holy Spirit and commissioned for service. When Paul baptised the believers at Ephesus in Acts 19 he laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them and they spoke in tongues and prophesied.

2. A witness to your family and friends that you are a Christian and are seeking to follow Jesus in your life. Romans 10:9-10 says; ‘If you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved. For a person believes with the heart and so is justified and confesses with the mouth and so is saved.’

3. An identification with other believers so they can welcome you to the Christian family and pray together for you as you with them follow Jesus together. 1 Corinthians 12 :13 says, ‘In the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body and were made to drink of one Spirit.’


Challenge to all to turn to Jesus, believe and be baptised. In Mark 16:15 -16 Jesus commissioned his apostles, “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to everybody. Anyone who believes in me and is baptised shall be saved; but anyone who does not believe will be condemned…’ When you hear about the fact that God loves you so much that He sent Jesus to demonstrate that love by dying a horrible death on a Roman cross for you; when you hear that He came to save you so you can come into his Kingdom and enjoy his wonderful blessings in this life and for ever; when you hear He sent the Holy Spirit so you can experience the living God who created the Universe; when you meet believers who testify that Jesus is real today and has helped them and wants to help you; when you hear these things then there are 2 responses you can make: belief or unbelief. If you are ready to believe today and turn your life over to Jesus He says “Come!” Come to me and experience the living God who will give your life a new meaning and purpose.

There may be others here who have come to faith in Jesus but you have never been baptised. My challenge to you is: What is there to prevent you being baptised today?

Come! We’ll lend you a towel to dry yourself enough before you go home! 2 years ago Anne Jay responded to a message like this from Danny and was baptised that day. I don’t believe she regrets it, and neither will you. Come and be baptised today

Like those 3000 on the day the church started nearly 2000 years ago.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Intro: Recall Ps 22 sermon ‘My God, My God why have you abandoned me”?

Jesus experienced the worst that sinful people and Satan could bring against him so that he totally can identify with us in troubles and trials we face. He cried out to God and so God wants to hear our cries as well. Ps 22 is about the suffering and death of Jesus to bring us salvation and healing. Ps 23 is about the risen Shepherd who brings us resurrection life and comfort and hope. Later we will teach about Ps 24 which is a celebration of Jesus mighty victories and reign from Heaven.

Today Ps 23... perhaps the most popular and well known psalm because it is a psalm that has been of great comfort for over 2000 years to people in times of loss and grief.

Start: Who has a pet cat or dog? Talk about how our family feed and provide for Flynn our dog. This is a simple illustration of how a shepherd cares for his sheep.

“The Lord is my Shepherd”


3 major Biblical figures show us the Shepherd heart of God

1. Moses worked as a shepherd looking after his father-in-law Jethro’s sheep before God called him to look after His people and lead them out of slavery in Egypt. He was perhaps the greatest leader in the world at that time because, by God’s strength, he took that group of dispirited Hebrew slaves and through many trials turned them into a warrior nation of the 12 tribes of Israel. He confronted Pharaoh the most powerful tyrant in the world with miraculous signs from God to deliver the people from his power and brought them by another miracle through the Red Sea to Mt Sinai where with the Lord he established them again as a nation. Then he with God led them around the desert for many years enduring 10 major trials from them and God’s provision each time.(read the book of Exodus)

2. David the 2nd outstanding leader of Israel was called by God from shepherding sheep to shepherding God’s people and leading them to overcome their enemies and establish the worship of Yahweh in Jerusalem. On the way David gathered a group of dejected and downtrodden people around him and turned them into a victorious army. Like Moses David faced many trials including betrayal by Saul and even by his son Absalom.(read 1 Samuel 16 to 2 Samuel and1 Kings 1-2)

3. Jesus identified with the both Moses and David by feeding the people and showing even greater signs and wonders from God. He said he was ‘the Good Shepherd’ and contrasted himself with thieves and robbers from Satan who only came to steal and kill and destroy. He said, “I have come that you may have life and life in all it’s fullness.”(John 10:10) read Jn 10:11 -18 and Jn 10: 2 -5.

4. NZ examples of Shepherd and sheep and sheep dogs… “Get in behind Blue!“

Fr Dennis Bennett said he was like the Lord’s sheep dog helping Jesus gather in his sheep. Pastoral ministry is carried out by many caring people in our Church such as: Drug Arm; Prison Ministry; ministry to the elderly; ministry to children ; ministry to the sick, carrying out ministry to Jesus as in Math 25:40. Our primary ministry and love must always be to Jesus the Chief Shepherd as Peter’s call was in John 21:15 -19.


The name Lord is a divine name in the O.T. Jehovah or Yahweh.

In the N.T. Jesus was acknowledged as Saviour in his Name Jesus which means Saviour and Lord particularly by his disciples by his resurrection. Even Thomas fell down and called Him, “My Lord and my God”!(Jn 20:28) On the Day of Pentecost when the Spirit came in power for the first time Peter boldly proclaimed Jesus to the people, “God has made Him both Lord and Messiah this Jesus whom you crucified.’ (Acts 2: 37) He exhorted the people to turn away from “this corrupt generation” and follow Jesus as Lord and God.

(C) We must now acknowledge and submit to Jesus as our Lord and so we come to him as our Shepherd and truly say: “ the Lord is my Shepherd.” Only those who surrender themselves to him as Lord have a right to come to him as Shepherd. Have you made him your Lord and are you willing do what he calls you to do. Are you ready to “Get in behind Blue?”


Just like we feed and care for and protect our animals the Shepherd cares for us.

Jesus our risen Lord and Shepherd gives us:

Ÿ REST Math 11:28 - 30 ‘Come unto me all who are weary…. and I will give you rest’

Ÿ REFRESHING with still water (Isaiah 43:20)

Ÿ FOOD Jesus told us to pray in faith, ‘Give us this day our daily bread.’ (Math 6:11)

Ÿ RESTORATION of our mind , emotions and will (2 Tim 1:7; Mark 5:15)

Ÿ LEADING IN RIGHT RELATIONSHIPS righteousness (justice restored) Romans 14:17)

Ÿ DELIVERANCE FORM FEAR from the fear of death and all fears( Ps 27: Ps 34:6)

Ÿ PROTECTION FROM EVIL the rod to kill enemies and the staff to rescue his sheep(1 Sam 17:34-36; Luke 15:4)

Ÿ SPIRITUAL NOURISHMENT a table in the wilderness (Ps79:19)

Ÿ ANOINTING of His presence with us always (Math 28:19 Ps 23:4)

Ÿ FILLING with His Spirit for overflowing to others (John 7.39)

Ÿ GOODNESS and MERCY like angels following us

Ÿ ETERNAL SECURITY everlasting life with Jesus in Heaven (Rev 7;17)

Jesus Christ is our redeeming GOOD SHEPHERD (John 10:11);

our resurrected GREAT SHEPHERD (Hebrews 13:20) and

our returning CHIEF SHEPHERD (1 Peter 5:4)

Finish with everyone standing and proclaiming:

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want

He makes me lie down in green pastures

He leads me beside still waters

He restores my soul

He leads me in right paths, for his names sake

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no

evil: for you are with me

Your rod and your staff they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me, in the presence of my enemies

You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me

all the days of my life

And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

PERFECT REST 8 August 2010 Hebrew 4:1-11

I am about to go away for a few days holiday and rest. As I thought about that aspect of rest I was drawn to this passage in Hebrews. In my devotional readings for July and August we have been going through Hebrews almost verse by verse. We don't know who the author of Hebrews is, but the purpose of Hebrews is clear. It is to emphasise and remind us of the sufficiency and superiority of Christ. Continually as we read through the book our attention is re-focused on Jesus - he is always seen as the solution - as being superior in all ways - as being our sufficiency. There is a song we often sing - "In Christ alone my hope is found, He is my light, my strength, my song.

This Cornerstone, this solid ground, Firm through the fiercest drought and storm. What heights of love, what depths of peace When fears are stilled, when strivings cease, My Comforter, my All in All, He is my light, my strength, my song."

When strivings cease…………………..Through these 6 months I have tried to continually focus our attention on Jesus - a reminder for me as well for you. In starting a new role it is very easy to roll up your sleeves and get stuck it - to try and make things happen and carry on without too much change or disruption. But in so doing it is very easy to therefore try and do things in your own way and strength. That may be OK for a little while, but I am sure we all know there is only so long that you can sustain things my human effort on your own. Our own efforts are never enough. It is only in Christ, by his Spirit, that we can accomplish his work.

So I have tried to remind myself to seek God's strength, and wisdom, and leading, and empowering. To stop striving, because I know that as Paul says………I can then do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

But it is human nature for us, isn't it, to fall back and rely on our own abilities. It is the way our society works - we are trained to do things - to be self sufficient - often highly competent and qualified. But………when we leave God out of the equation we do so at our peril, because we will be continually striving to make headway - and that will be tiring - and it may not work out the way God wants it to.

At a recent PALS business ministry committee meeting we were reflecting on how the ministry had got to the point it was at. It had seemed easy. I don't mean easy in the sense that things had just fallen into place without having to do anything. On the contrary a huge amount of prayer and ground work had been done. But suddenly when God's timing was right he brought together the right people, the right circumstances, and the result is that things did "just start to fall into place" There has been a very enthusiastic response and an energy to progress the ministry, and interest to start it in other places. That is a great lesson for me. Some of us have put a great deal of time and effort into developing that ministry, and absolutely happy to do so, but it has only "just started to fall into place" because God's hand has been on it. Without him it would not be gaining momentum the way it is.

We MUST involve Jesus in whatever we do. It will make it a whole lot easier, and it won't sap our energy, but especially because his anointing and blessing will be on it. And I have to be honest - occasionally I forget that aspect of trusting the Lord and I get a bit stewed up wondering what the future holds - usually only for a day or so - but then I remember what God has done for me and how he has led me especially over the past year or two. That causes me to believe that he has my future well and truly planned out and taken care of and I get my act together and trust him that he will continue to lead me. It is putting those two things together - belief and action. That creates trust.

In v2 of the passage that Bronwyn read to us from Hebrews says "….did not combine it with faith." The writer is remembering the Israelites who failed to enter the Promised Land because of unbelief. They could even see the land - they had no doubts it was there - and that it contained everything that God had promised. But they failed to put their belief into action by going in and taking the land - and they ended up wandering around in the wilderness.

Faith is more than mere belief. Faith is acting upon that belief

Do we do that I wonder? It is relatively easy for us to believe that what God says is true isn't it? I think that is probably the case for most of us. But is it another thing entirely for us to have the faith - from having the knowledge - being trusting - and personally committed to act on this belief. Belief needs to be put into action. Someone has said of the church in general………

When all is said and done, more is said than done

Isn't that true? When you think of all the words that are spoken - in sermons - in meetings to organize things - in comparison with action it does really make you wonder if we really are going about things the way God wants us to. It has surprised me to find how much time and energy from many people, for example, is put into preparing for these 2 hours on a Sunday morning. And I do wonder how intentional are we, as individuals, about taking personal responsibility to grow in our relationship with Jesus - to the point that it is truly a personal relationship with him, rather than knowing about him? I hear of people who rely on the Sunday sermons for their feeding. That is fine as long as we go away and do something about what we learn. But does that honestly happen? Look at Hebrews 4:2 again.

How much do we actually retain of what we hear? I am not sure of the percentages, but learning by hearing and observing AND then putting the learning into action is known to be by far the most effective method of learning. It was Jesus' way of teaching his disciples. We must put it into ACTION! And only you and I can do that. No preacher, however great they may be, can do that for us. We have to personally take responsibility. I was talking to someone recently who was asking advice on doing some serious bible study. That person was longing to know how to carry on in his relationship with Jesus. What an example and inspiration to us. We would all do well to make that sort of commitment.

It is so much more than just knowing about Christ. It is knowing him personally. Then we can trust him, and that what he says is true, and we can then act in confidence in that knowledge.

In the comment on the front page of the Wine Press there is a quote from Selwyn Hughes - "If we believe that Jesus is God's Son we are saved, but not that we might sit back and indulge ourselves in the thought. We are saved to serve. We are meant to put our belief into action.

That passage from Hebrews 4 speaks a lot about rest. The Greek word for rest in verse 1 and the remainder of this passage means literally to cease from striving and settle down. The true rest of God comes only for those who adopt the attitude of perfect trust in him. Without that trust how can we possibly enter that perfect rest that God offers? As I explained before, I have my moments when I too see I am not trusting God as I should, but I am reminded of his promise in Jeremiah the hew knows the plans he has for me - to prosper and not to harm………...

How do we enter the perfect rest that God offers? It is very simple. God sent Jesus to be our Saviour and Lord. We must believe that at the moment you believed and openly acknowledged that Jesus is the Son of God you became a Christian (Romans 10:9-10). Believe and confess - belief followed by action = trust and faith. When we really believe this fact and act on it by trusting him - only then can we enter by faith into that perfect rest. Jesus said………

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30). We have to act - to come to Jesus - to take what he offers - then we will receive rest.

To be yoked to Christ is to be taught and guided by him and to share the load. And as we do (like the young oxen used to be yoked to an older one to learn) we too will learn to trust him, that he does know what he is doing, and where to go, and when. That builds trust. And Jesus is gentle and understanding. He won't push us beyond what we are capable of doing or enduring. BUT we have to put that trust into action, and be obedient to him.

Because - God's rest is only for those who adopt the attitude of perfect trust.

So we have to intentionally put that trust into action. Perhaps it seems strange doesn't it, that to enter God's perfect rest, we actually need to be active. But that is God's way. Faith is active. Do we want that place of perfect rest and peace? Then we have to adopt the attitude of perfect trust.

For most of this year Bronwyn has suffered from a bad back pain. After knowing something was not right for many months, and not being able to get any satisfactory advice or answers, we were finally referred to a specialist. He immediately ordered various tests including a C/T scan and some sort of 'oscopy (can't pronounce the real thing!). About 3 hours after the 'oscopy he came and told us "It is all good news. I was able to do a minor procedure at the same time which will fix the problem. There is nothing else there to be of any concern." This was of great comfort. However, the pain persisted for a few days and we managed to get back to see the specialist last Thursday. Again he reassured us - this time actually showing us the C/T scan pictures and some pictures from the 'oscopy - absolutely perfect as he had told us. Here is the point. Here is a highly qualified, highly regarded and respected specialist who has told us there is nothing to worry about. Who better to know? We believed what he told us - it was even there in picture form for us to see. Did it make sense for us to then say - well what if this happens? - Or has he thought about this or that? He is the qualified expert. We believe that, but for his knowledge and advice to be of any use we had to accept it, and act on it - to trust him, and only then when we did could we rest and be at peace about the whole troubling experience.

God wants for us to enter his rest and peace too. And Hebrews 4:11 says we must make every effort to enter that rest. It means for us to understand who God is and what he offers. We have to believe and trust him that it is so - to take him at his word - and to act (that word again) on it by accepting it is for real.

When we do, then we will know God perfect rest and perfect peace - even right now. We don't have to wait for the next life to experience that rest and peace. We can experience it right now in the present. As we heard in verse 7 TODAY is the time for that to be. I encourage you - act today and take God at his word, trust him, and in faith believe him and experience that perfect rest and peace.

Let us close by reading together an old hymn as a prayer:

Dear Lord and Father of mankind,

Forgive my foolish ways!

Reclothe me in my rightful mind;

In purer life Thy service find,

In deeper reverence, praise.

In simple trust like theirs who heard,

Beside the Syrian sea,

The gracious calling of the Lord,

Let me, like them, without a word,

Rise up and follow Thee.

Drop Thy still dews of quietness

Till all my strivings cease.

Take from my soul the strain of stress,

And let my ordered life confess

The beauty of Thy peace.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

1st August 2010: Facing trials with Jesus

Scriptures: Psalm 22; Isaiah 53; Math 27:46; Luke 39-46; Hebrews 5:7-10: Jesus cries of intercession and suffering for our whole salvation.

Intro: This is the first of 3 sermons on Ps 22, 23and 24 that help us to identify with the death, resurrection and triumph of Jesus. These psalms help us to face trials and troubles with Jesus; to face fear and death with Jesus and to triumph in battle with Jesus.

(1) GOD IS WAITING FOR YOU TO GET DESPERATE AND CRY OUT TO HIM: Total salvation through Christ’s blood.

Ps 22 begins with perhaps the deepest cry of the human heart.

It brings us to the darkest hour of Jesus agonising 6 hour ordeal of crucifixion when he used the opening words of Ps 22 to cry out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

The sky was darkened for 3 hours and Jesus allowed all the evil of the world and of the devil to come against him. He willingly drank the cup of suffering and innocent sacrifice to the depth so that he could completely face the worst agony. He did this to pay the full price for our salvation and healing. He did this to totally identify with the worst suffering, that humans face. He did this so that you and I will always know that whatever pain, abuse and trials we face he understands and can meet us there.

eg My black pot experience when I felt I would be overwhelmed by darkness and mental illness. Jesus assured me that He would meet me there in a deeper way than he had ever met me before.

Healing Prayer of Fr John Rae’s book, ‘Healings and Miracles today’ Page 148

“My God , my God, why have you forsaken me?”

Lord Jesus, you prayed these words when you were dying on the cross. And so we begin our prayer by thanking you. We thank you for your passion and your death. Your Holy Spirit teaches us through the prophet Isaiah, that in those last hours of your earthly life… you took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows… you were pierced for our transgressions… you were crushed for our iniquities… by your wounds we have been healed. (Is. 53: 4-5) We believe that on the cross you saved us, spirit, soul and body. You saved us not only from sin but saved us by healing every part of our being. You saved us for bodily resurrection and everlasting life. Thank you, Lord Jesus for this universal healing which cost you every drop of your most precious blood. Thank you that on the cross you broke the power of any curses we have come under. As it is written in Galatians 3, Christ became a curse for us, for it is written; “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.” Accordingly, in your name, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I break every curse all in this church have come under, no matter how far back in history those curses were invoked on there families and whether they were invoked directly or indirectly. I break them now in the name of Jesus and in the power of his cross through which he redeemed the world. Amen.

(2) GOD ACCEPTS YOU AND HEARS YOUR CRY: Healing of relationships.

“My God, my God why have you forsaken me. Why are you so far from helping me, from the words of my groaning? I cry day and night but find no rest.”

The Hebrew people had no hesitation to cry out to God when they were in trouble as a nation or personally. Many Psalms start with such cries. Ps 142 is an example(read)

The prophets wept before God for the people. Jeremiah was called ‘the weeping prophet.’

Jesus wept at the death of Lazarus and over Jerusalem. He cry out in agony in Gethsemene and on the cross.

I believe it’s healthier to share your pain when you are going through trials like Maori people at a tangi rather than always being so cool and so shut up that we suffer more. Often we don’t resolve grief and hurts for years because we don’t share them and particularly because when we don’t share them with God who is like a compassionate Father and is waiting for us to come to Him. Don’t hide your hurts and pains from God! Let him hear your cry and as with the psalmist He can bring resolution and comfort in time of need. The individualism of our society is not healthy and all the consumer goods in the world cannot meet the needs of the human heart.

eg. When I was facing the feeling of abandonment and rejection and shame in the unemployment bureau and I cried out in my spirit to God and felt Him say “Remember I’m still your Father and you’re still my son….”

eg. Aileen hitting the wall as a cry to God for her husband. He was saved from alcoholism and their marriage was healed.

Healing Prayer of Fr John Rae continued pg. 149.

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me/ Why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning?”

Lord, most of those close to you abandoned you when you were arrested. Your own nation did not accept you. The leaders wanted to kill you so they gave you to the Romans who nailed you to the cross. All these rejected you, and as you hung there dying you felt as though God had also abandoned you. We believe that on the cross you took our place. In Isaiah’s words… you took our infirmities and carried our sorrows… and the Lord laid on you the iniquity of us all. You exchanged the absolute fullness of life and love you enjoyed from eternity for our emptiness and lack of fulfilment in order to save us. In virtue of this exchange we ask you to heal all the rejection we have suffered throughout our lives - the loneliness we have endured, the isolation, the alienation from others particularly from members of our own family. Bring your cross to bear, we pray, on all these inward hurts so that not even a scar remains. So heal us now, that we may know, deep within ourselves, that even in those moments when we felt most alone you were always lovingly close to us. Heal our hearts broken when we were rejected. Heal the relationships that were damaged at those times. Amen


Ps. 22 14-16 followed by Fr John Rae’s Healing Prayer pg.150.

I am poured out like water and all my bones are out of joint. My heart has turned to wax; it has melted away within me. My strength is dried up like a potsherd , and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth; you lay me down in the dust of death. Dogs have surrounded me; a band of evil men has encircled me, they have pierced my hands and my feet, I can count all my bones…

Lord you spent yourself utterly on our behalf. Let it be that in virtue of the amazing gift of yourself to us in your suffering and death that we be released from every sickness and disease of body, mind and spirit.

Heal our fingers and our toes, our hands and our feet, our arms and our legs. Heal head and neck and torso. Bring healing and health to our nervous system; to our blood and its circulation through our bodies, to our muscles, ligaments, tendons and sinews. From this day forward let all our internal and external organs function perfectly for people of our years. I pray healing for those couples who long to have a child but are unable to conceive, that you Lord, would bless them with family within the coming year. Bring wholeness to those who suffer a disability either from birth or because of an accident. Bless us all, this day, with physical well being. Amen

Conclude together with prayer based on Ps 22 v 22- 24

We will declare your name, Lord, to our sisters and brothers. In the congregation we will praise you. We will praise and honour and revere you. For you have not despised nor disdained the sufferings of your afflicted ones. You have not hidden your face from us. You have listened to our cry for help. We give you glory and bless you for who and what you are and for your goodness to us. Amen.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Gifted and blessed 25 July 2010 Wayne Austin Reading: Like 19:11-26

At the All Whites parade this week through Wellington we celebrated an amazing achievement. Here was a team of virtual no names that made a great achievement of even getting to World Cup. But in interviews before that left NZ they clearly believed they weren't finished – that they expected more success at the actual World Cup. And history will record they did – being only unbeaten team in the tournament! We as Christians can use this as a great example to us. Each one of that team was there because they made the most of their gifts and talents. They were written off by many because they didn't have the star players of the other teams. So how did the All Whites gain our respect and admiration? I believe that how they did is a great lesson to us as Christians in the way we use the gifts God has given to us.

You see each one of us is spceil to God. For you (God) created my innermost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139:13-14).

You and I are special to God and he has created us for a specific purpose. The Apostle Paul said - For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10).

For us to be able to fulfill that purpose God made us each to be unique by gifting us in different ways, and while we are each unique, it is God's plan that that purpose is fulfilled in harmony with others. Just as there are many parts to our bodies, so it is with Christ's body. We are all parts of it, and it takes every one of us to make it complete, for we each have different work to do. So we belong to each other, and each needs all the other. Rom. 12:4-5 TLB.

Just as each player in the All Whites has a different position and role to play in the team - so too do we in the body of Christ, his church. The church can be a bit like a sports team in some ways. Each member may play different positions or roles, but unless you are an absolute star like some of the top players in the world you may possibly not be very effective your own. But when each All Whites player came together to play their designated roles in the team they combined to produce outstanding results - away beyond what perhaps they even dreamed of.

It is the same with members of Christ's church. God designed his work to be carried out by his members each playing their part using the gifts he has given us. Sometimes too, we may perhaps not be fully effective on our own. We may not be even noticed but when working together, each one of us has a contribution to make to the whole that their gifting equips them for.

In order for a church to develop spiritual maturity all of its members need to function in the way God designed them to function. For a human body to be in perfect health and to function as it is designed to do, every member must play its part. So it is with the body of Christ. Finding and using our spiritual gifts helps us grow in spiritual maturity. Otherwise we are likely to stay a spiritual babies only feeding on milk - as we are warned 2 or 3 times in the New Testament. We need to exercise and practice our gifts.

The other key factor in the success of the All Whites is that they had a great leader - Ryan Nelson. He is highly regarded and respected all around the world. He leads by example. He really puts his body on the line for his team and his country. But even so he still couldn't do it on his own. He needs his team to back him up and TOGETHER set out on their mission.

In the church we too have a great leader - Jesus. He is utterly inspirational - and he doesn't expect us to do anything he hasn't done before. He too put his body on the line - to the ultimate way anyone possibly on the cross could because of his love and commitment for us. He has experienced everything we are ever likely to, so his leadership method is to show the way too. But he needs us to back him up too and TOGETHER we can help him achieve his mission to spread his gospel. But we have to be available and willing to listen and follow – and then he will lead and empower us. Our church here in Churton Park need to work together too, with Jesus as our leader – not waiting until a new vicar comes – but working together NOW.

When we do we will experience joy and fulfilment discovering where and how God wants us to serve him, but especially when we put it into action - and then we will be far more effective in our serving.

God has given every Christian at least one particular gift. No matter how inadequate or ill equipped you may feel, God thinks you are special, he values you, and he has a plan and specific role for you! It is possible for a Christian to live for years without realising they possess a particular gift. This can be the reason for feelings of lack of fulfilment in their life for Jesus. It is therefore vital that Christians discover their particular gifting to be in the right place for Christ.

I have said we really need more musicians to help share the responsibilities with everyone so busy and committed in many ways. I feel a bit guilty saying that because many years ago in college I play the cornet in the school band. I was useless - couldn't play to save myself - couldn't even march in step to the tune. I only did it because my brother had left school a year before me and was a very good musician, so there was an expectation on me. It was a very good band. We even played at the opening of Parliament one year, and before a rugby test match in Christchurch. But I managed to hide myself in the middle of the band and the rest of the band covered up for me - quite embarrassing now that I remember it. That was not the right place for me. I thought the right place for me at that time was on the sports field - but I guess it was felt I needed some culture in my life too.

In the gospel reading we heard how the servants who used the talents their master have given them to good effect were rewarded. The one who didn’t had his taken away. The message is that God has given us gifts to use. They are a waste of time unless we exercise them. The All Whites would have spent 1000's of hours practising and exercising their gifts - just like anyone who has the passion and the desire to be the best they can be. Surely that has to be our attitude as Christians too? Surely we want to do our best for Christ after all he has done for us?

We therefore need to find our gifts and our place in the body of Christ to fulfil the part God has designed for us. We will be running another gifting course this year to help you do this. But it is critical to put into action whatever your calling is.

Every Christian is a called person - called to be what Christ wants us to be. We just have to be us — the person God designed us to be, and use whatever gift he has given us. As long as we are open and available for him to use we will contribute to his mission for the church in our own unique way, but in harmony with others.

We as individuals can’t do everything. Sometimes we have to recognise that a particular task is not for us to do and leave it for someone else with that particular gift. I should never have played in the school band - that was not my gifting or passion. The result was frustration for me - and I am sure for my music teacher. But also it wasn’t fair on the rest of the band. They had to carry me. It is much better and easier if everyone pulls their weight instead of hoping someone else will cover for you – like I did in the band.

You see God always gives us excellent resources for his mission - to spread the gospel. I believe that sometimes that may mean that if we don't have the people or other resources at a particular time then we as a church may have to accept that task isn’t meant to be done at that particular time. And there are perhaps some things in that category for us as a church at present - just not at this time - but later in God's time.

Each one of us has to account for how we use the gifts God has given us - just as we heard about the servants in the gospel reading.

  1. We have to grasp God's passion for mission and building his church.
  2. We must trust God that he knows best and has given us gifts appropriate to what he has for us to do.
  3. We need to operate like Jesus did - others focussed - not self centred.
  4. We need to use the gifts God has given us.

OR as we are told in Luke - like the untrustworthy servant - the gifts could be taken from us. But if we do use our gifts as God wants us to he will reward us and bless us amazingly - just as in the parable where he rewarded the faithful servants very richly. And in doing so will be maturing spiritually.

There are times - or seasons - when there may be reasons for us not doing with our gifts what is intended for us. For example - illness - particular stages of family life with children growing up – worn out doing the same thing for many years in the church. For me there was a phase last year when I was worn out from many years of doing a lot of “stuff” in this church. I didn't know what ordination meant for many- particularly as a role in our church. Now I have this interim role, but what after that? I don't know, but God does. I don’t need to worry because God has his plans - and that gives us confidence. But it is important that we get stuck in and do what God has called us to do now – right at this present time. We are not to be concerned about the future, but must deal in the NOW – and not wait and see.

I learned through that experience that rest from Christian service is different from rest in the secular sense. We CAN'T shut off from God. We CAN'T ignore him in order to have a rest. Resting for a Christian actually comes about by spending more time with him - not less. In Matt.11:28-30 Jesus told us how to deal with this. Withdrawing completely from Christ and his service is not an option. What Jesus offers is his help to enable us to cope so we aren't trying to do things in our own strength, but in the power of the Holy Spirit. When you allow him to minister in you and through you, Paul tells us in Ephesians 3 - when we are willing God is able to do far more abundantly than we can ever imagine.

So be encouraged — TO BE YOU — the person God designed you to be. Be available and willing.

I have been focussing mainly on the gifts that God gives us.

However, there are still basic duties that have to be done to run a church or a ministry that don't necessarily need special gifting. In a home there are chores such as cleaning, washing the dishes, and so on, that just have to be done to for it to function as a home. Some people enjoy those chores, some don't. But they still have to be done. The same applies in the church. Certain tasks have to be done, such as setting up seating, sound desk, welcoming, etc., for it to function as it should. Again some people enjoy those chores, some don't. But they must be done regardless of what our specific gifting is. We are called to be humble and follow the example of Jesus who said “I came not to be served, but to serve." (Matt. 20:28).

I have mentioned often this year how blessed we are as a church family with the commitment of many of our folk in serving the Lord. I have also mentioned some areas of critical need for help in order for us to function in the way Christ designed us to function - as a body working in unison with each other and as a team - like the All Whites.

Those areas are:

  1. Sound desk
  2. Setting up for church services
  3. Music teams and leaders
  4. Outreach coordinator
  5. Small Groups/Discipleship coordinator

All are vital or we don't function properly. These are areas that I believe God DOES want us to develop. They are critical - covering our corporate worship, mission, and discipleship. At the clergy conference the guest speaker, Bishop Graeme Cray, speaking about fresh expressions and the missional church said those 3 ministries go hand in hand. We can't have one with out the other. The 40 Days of Purpose principles include those 3 ministries - along with fellowship and serving - as the 5 key non-negotiable ministries for the Christian church.

So what are we going to do about it? Are we going to sit back and hope someone else will do it? The sound desk and set up tasks don't need particular skills or gifts, but they need to be done. And the more people who help the less times people have to be rostered on.

The other three roles do need particular gifts and passion. Are those what YOU have to offer to God?

I encourage you to seek what God has for you. To be open to that. To be available and willing to serve him - just as Jesus came to serve, and not to be served. That is a wonderful attitude to have and to act on and to grow to spiritual maturity. That doesn't just happen - we have to work with God for that to come about.

I pray that you will know clearly God's call on your life, and in so knowing experience a fulfilling and fruitful life in serving him.

Sunday, July 4, 2010



Lina’s testimony from Alpha.

Acts 19; Ephesians 4:1-3,17- 6;9; Revelations 2:1-7


Recall SIT sermon on positional salvation: God’s grace in Christ saveds us from sin and certain eternal death and raised us up to be seated with Christ in the heavenly kingdom to pray down the k. of God on earth. Like directors on the executive top floor or seated in a jet plane above the clouds and dark sky.

Today: Walking with Christ the new Christian lifestyle

Intro: Eph: 4:1, 17,5:2,8 and 15 five times in the KJV St Paul implores us from his imprisonment to walk in a new lifestyle, a Christian lifestyle involving new re lationships, new morality and new attitudes. This is so important because it’s how we put feet on our faith, feet for walking out the new life. It’s where the rubber hit’s the road! It’s walking with a purpose like a soldier marching to get to a destination. ”We’re marching to Zion…”

In Ephesus the new Christians shined out with the love of Christ in a very dark and cruel Roman world: “See how these Christians love one another” it was said of them. Amongst the immorality of those times and fear of death they went singing to their deaths as the drunken crowd at the colosseums jeered at them. At Auschwitz a Nazi guard threatened to shoot a member of a labour group because a shovel was missing. Fr. Koller stepped forward and said it was him so he was killed. He knew the man had a family and that man and his family now are forever mindful of that amazing example of Christian life.

3 keys to walking the Christian lifestyle: LOVE: LIGHT and WISDOM.

(1) How to WALK IN LOVE: Eph 5.1-2: ‘Therefore be imitators of God as beloved children, and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.’

The things that love is not: Eph. 4:17- 24 (Living NT)

Four contrasts: Eph 4: 25-29

1. Stop lying……….. tell the truth

2. Be angry………… but get over it quickly

3. Stop stealing…… do honest work eg Kohatere boys

4. Don’t use bad language…. Say what is good and helpful eg me delivered from swearing

FOUR NEW RELATIOSHIPS: CHURCH; MARRIAGE; CHILDREN and FAMILY; WORK where you can walk out your Christian life.

1. CHURCH: Eph 4: 1-4( Living NT)

Paul’s earnest appeal to Christians

Ÿ Walk worthy because you have been chosen people and called by God

Ÿ Be humble and gentle and patient with each other in the church

Ÿ Eager to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace

Because we are one body in Christ, one Lord and one Spirit

2. MARRIAGE: Eph 5:21- 33(Amplified)

Mutual submission in respect for Christ

- a marriage makeover! Roman and Hebrew and Moslem marriage was very harsh and without much love. Christian marriage is centred not on rules but on Christ and at the foot of the cross together our sins and divisions are taken away. With Christ in the Marriage His love poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit can help us love each other and forgive each other because we each have been forgiven much more by Jesus death and his blood shed for us.

Being open and transparent and saying “I’m Sorry” first is a key. Yes the Lords prayer applies to marriage. Ps. Murray Robertson quote

Ÿ Wives, serve your husband as a service to the Lord. Men need to be respected and this helps them feel appreciated. If he doesn’t feel respected at home sometimes a man will spend his time where he does feel accepted and respected.. let alone loved

Ÿ Husbands take responsibility: Find ways of supporting your wife and family e.g. pay the bills; put out the rubbish; do the dishes; plan the holidays; find ways to give your wife a break from always taking responsibility to do everything at home. Don’t be another child for your wife to manage!

3. CHILDREN and FAMILY : Eph. 6;1-4(Amplified)

Ÿ Children obey your parents because they are given toyou by the Lord to bring up. They are His representatives for them. By honouring your parents you will be blessed as God promises because he is committed to family life. Many of the 10 commandments are set forth to protect and honour marriage and family life.

Ÿ Fathers particularly are charged to oversee the spiritual development of their children. One of the greatest privileges we have as parents is to pray for and with our children and to share Christian books including the Bible with them. (Manna Books and music has great resources to help you do this. Fathers should make sure their children respect their mother. Discipline and boundaries is something parents need to talk through and agree on so they are in unity so the children feel secure and can’t play one off against another.

4. WORK: Eph 6: 5-9 (Living NT)

Another place to walk out the Christian lifestyle

Ÿ Workers serve diligently as unto the Lord and the Lord will reward you for the good you do.

Ÿ Managers treat your workers well because like them you are serving the Lord too Don’t be harsh with your staff or those for whom you have responsibility.

(2) How to WALK IN THE LIGHT of CHRIST Eph 5:8

Contrast the fruit of the Spirit with the darkness of the world

Ÿ Eph 4:!7- 24 (Living NT) The ‘sex in the city’ lifestyle is not of God. It is not funny and it creates many broken hearts. Eg Foxton and Shannon in the 1970s. Adultery and fornication were condemned by God not to spoil fun but to save people from hurt.

Ÿ Walk in the light of the relationships in Church, home and at work as above

(3) How to WALK WISELY

Contrast 6 ways of grieving the Holy Sprit with 5 ways of welcoming God’s Spirit

Ÿ Eph.4 30- 31: These 6 things grieve the Holy Spirit ; All bitterness; all wrath; all anger; all wrangling; all slander and all malice. This is how Satan works to ruin relationships in church, family and work. These attitudes cause division and hurt and many beautiful friendships and great revivals have been snuffed out by people choosing to hold on to their bitterness.; no matter how well deserved. Eg KPC,eg over an estate in a family.

Ÿ But God has a better way. Verse 31, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another as God in Christ has forgiven you”

Ÿ Eph 5: 15-20(NRSV), eg couple at KPC with Cecilie Graham marriage healed.

Ÿ Don’t get wasted with alcohol or any drugs. Get stoned on the Rock of ages!

Ÿ Be being again and again filled with the Holy Spirit. How? 5 things

Ÿ speaking Psalms and Hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things unto God the father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Eg Massey eg Wed at our last Alpha evening.

Ÿ NOW LET US COME BEFORE THE LORD. In confession then worship and communion.

Monday, June 28, 2010

A service of worship. 27 June 2010 Wayne Austin Reading: John 4:19-26

A service of worship.

27 June 2010 Wayne Austin

Reading: John 4:19-26

Intro - Different people, different denominations have their own peculiarities of how they do things. But when it comes down to our worship of God - does it matter? Do those outward things actually affect the way we worship? Should they affect the way we worship? What really does matter when it comes to worshiping God? What does worship of God mean to you? How should we bring meaningful and pleasing worship to God?

The Wine Press comment this week noted - "The deepest need of the human heart and the greatest purpose for which we are created is to know God personally and to worship him." I wonder if you agree with that - or is there something else that fills the need of your heart? It has been said that we have a vacuum in our hearts - an emptiness that needs to be filled to make us complete. I believe that vacuum, that emptiness can only be completely and satisfyingly filled by the love of God. And when it is you will know very clearly that is the case. You know when love fills your heart. It influences what you do. It influences your attitudes. It influences your thinking. It makes you want to respond in love.

This is the kind of response, or worship that God desires from his people - one of absolute awe and devotion and love, one that brings him pleasure - one that comes from the heart - a heart of love and devotion. So I do believe that "The deepest need of the human heart and the greatest purpose for which we are created is to know God personally and to worship him" is very accurate.

God even created us for this purpose. Ephesians 1:5 TEV says "Because of his love God had already decided that through Jesus Christ he would make us his children - this was his pleasure and purpose."

What loving parent doesn't delight in his children? This scripture tells us that God is our heavenly Father and we are his children. God takes pleasure in you and me! Isn't that so amazing!! Doesn't that make you feel special?

For me, as a parent, I get great pleasure from my children, and now from my grandchildren, and what gives me the most pleasure from them is their love - a love that is not brought about by a sense of duty or obligation, but out of spontaneous love.

And that is exactly what God yearns for from us - worship that is out of love and devotion, not out of duty.

So WHY should we give worship to God?

  1. Because God commanded it. The first commandment tells that that worship of God must come above everything else (Ex.20:3-5). That couldn't be clearer could it? We are to neither have any other idols or gods or to worship them - because God jealously wants our worship to be directed to him.
  2. Jesus reminds us to. When he was tempted by Satan Jesus answered - quoting scripture - "You shall worship the Lord your God, and only him shall you serve." (Matt.4:10). And at a different time, in the answer to the question "Which is the greatest commandment?" Jesus replied "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment" (Matt.22:37-38 NIV). Jesus was quite clear about the requirement to worship God.
  3. It is God's purpose in redeeming us. In Ephesians 1:11-12, Paul tells us this is clearly so that we might praise and worship God.
  4. Because God is creator, giver, and sustainer of all life. We read in Rev. 4:11 how and why God is so worthy to receive all the honour and glory that we can give him.

We can only find our true reason for living, and fulfillment, when we worship God. Sin made us self-centred. Jesus came to make us God-centred again. This was to shift our attention from ourselves to God. Sometimes we question this thinking don't we? We tend to think we have to take care of ourselves and our families - and then do the other things. But that is not what God says. He says in the Great Commandment that we are to "honour and worship him first and foremost and all these other things will be taken care of." "Seek first his kingdom and all these things will be given to you as well." (Matt.6:33). Here Jesus was talking about us worrying about the everyday things of life. He said they will be provided according to our needs - if we put God first!

HOW do we worship?

Well what is worship? Is it sitting through a Sunday service? Is it singing great hymns and songs of praise - praying - and so on? I don't believe so! None of these by themselves is worship.


Is expressing by life and word the worth of our mighty God - it MUST be more than an outward ceremony or ritual - our lives must show it.

Must be the deep response of our hearts to God - in thanksgiving, praise and adoration. It has to come from the heart.

Is our spirit communing with God's Spirit - reaching out to God from the depths of our beings - from our hearts.

Is focusing on the greatness, the holiness, and the righteousness of God - and forgetting about ourselves.

The outward form of worship is not the important thing. It is not how dynamic the music team is. We are blessed with dedicated and talented musicians in our church. It is not the style of music even - whether we raise our hands or not - none of these or other outward signs is of the most importance.

It is the INNER attitude of the heart that really counts.

In our gospel reading (v23-24) Jesus said - and this is one of the few 'musts' in scripture - to worship God we must worship him in the right way. No matter what form of worship we follow there are two inner qualities of our worship that make it acceptable to God. So………

1. Our worship must be in spirit

God is Spirit and not an idol of wood or stone or anything else we place great focus on before God. He is living and since he is spirit, he is everywhere. So God has given us the Holy Spirit to help us in our worship (Eph.2:18). The Holy Spirit helps us overcome that natural self-centeredness and helps us to be God-centred. So before we can even worship God, his Holy Spirit must be living in us. Then we are able to be spirit led in our worship.

We must be the active ones in our worship, rather than being the audience when we come here to a worship service. For example, the musicians are simply here to prompt us. We are the performers. God is the audience. When our spirit connects with God's spirit - that is a very special experience. It is unforgettable, as Ross testified to us last Sunday.

If we start by praying and asking the Holy Spirit to fill us and help us then our worship will become more natural and meaningful day by day - and THAT will be worship in spirit.

Secondly Jesus said………

2. Our worship must be in truth

Jesus said he is the only way to the Father - to God. So Jesus is key to our worship of God. (Phil.3:3). Worship "in truth" is worship that glories in Jesus - that lifts him up - that makes him central. Worship "in truth" means having a knowledge and understanding of who God is. In our gospel reading (v22) Jesus said the Samaritans worshiped in an ignorant way, not really knowing God personally. If we have little knowledge of someone how can we possibly bring them true adoration and worship? We just wouldn't would we? So how can we possibly do so with God? The more we grow in our understanding of who God is the deeper and more meaningful our worship will become.

How do you get to know someone really well - as we need to know God? Surely it is only through spending time with them. So it is with God - we need to take that time - in quiet - listening - with him in conversation - reading your bible (all we can ever know about God is found in his scriptures).

For us to be able to truly worship a God we truly know we must spend time with him. We can't just drum up that love and worship. True worship comes from the heart - not from being emotionally revved up externally.

The where and when of worship. Do we have to come to a church service to worship - on a Sunday - or a particular day of the week? Where - and when - is the question?

Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well how true worshipers will worship in the near future (v21). He in effect was saying that worshipers will worship anywhere and at anytime. Instead of the centre for worship being in a specific location like the Samaritans' temple on the mountain, or the Jews' temple in Jerusalem - or the Churton Park School hall for us - God's temple is now in a different place. Paul told us in 1 Corinthians 3:16 where that place is………

Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?

God is spirit and is living in us. You and me - each one of us is God's temple. Not a building. God's kingdom is in each of his children - you and me. Don't you feel privileged and special? God has made his temple - his dwelling place - in you! What Jesus said to the Samaritan woman about where God would be worshiped in the future - is how worship is now……….

The place of True Worship is -

In the bodies of Christ's believers

Anywhere and everywhere

At anytime

So that means worship isn't just a Sunday thing. It is to be all through the week wherever we are - whatever we are doing. And that is exactly the thrust of the finding of our parish consultation - we are to be missional, reaching out to our community - each one of us. When we do, that is bringing worship to God.

Paul also says……….Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship. (Rom.12:1)

What does this mean for us today?

As "living sacrifices" we are offering worship to God in:

1. All that we own

Where something dominates our thoughts and desires more than God does - that does not glorify or please God. So Jesus' instruction to" Seek first his kingdom and all these things will be given to you as well" - takes on real meaning doesn't it?

As "living sacrifices" we are offering worship to God in:

2. All that we do

Whatever we do, however menial or difficult or rewarding, it should be done with the attitude that we are doing it for God - that God is our "boss". This means showing love and consideration to others in thought and deed, and in what we say. It means trying hard and doing things to the best of our ability, wholeheartedly, and joyfully as unto God.

And in doing this we are honouring God and bringing worship and glory to him - and that pleases him.

It seems to me that if we follow the life of Christ and aim to live the way he did, there is no greater worship we can bring to God because Jesus showed us how to truly love. He said………….

A new Commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this will all men know you are my disciples, if you love one another.

John 13:34, 35

Love is the key - it always is. God's love in our hearts - responded to by our love for him -shown in our love for others.

To draw all these thoughts together then, we can say that…….

True worship is

Ø devotional and from a heart of love

Ø sacrificial - putting God first before anything else

Ø "in Spirit" - when our spirit connects with God's spirit

Ø "in Truth" - when we know God so well, we can truly adore him

Ø anywhere, anytime

It gives God the glory, exalts him. It is not self-centred, but is Christ-centred.

And so I encourage you - that when we have discovered how to truly worship God with loving devotion, we will have found our original purpose for being created, and the greatest joy, fulfillment and satisfaction.

And when you do, you will truly be living for God and giving him a full service of worship.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

20.6.10: Seated with Christ in Heavenly places to achieve the good purposes He has prepared for us

Ephesians 2:1-10; Luke 15; Ps 1,110; Acts 19 and Rev 2.

Intro; Ephesians series ‘SIT; WALK; STAND’ based on a book by Watchman Nee of the same name. Eph 2 Sit;5 Walk,6 Stand. John Tovey is going preach on Eph. 3

The importance of the letter to the Ephesians:

It’s one of the key documents by Paul about the Church in the NT. It was written to be read and studied by churches. It should be read in conjunction with Acts 19 which describes Paul’s 3 year ministry in and around Ephesus where he founded the church and developed it. Ephesus was a key provincial capital and trading town and religious centre of the Roman Empire and became the place where St Paul established a leading early Christian church. In Rev 2 it is the first of the 7 churches of Asia (modern Turkey) given a message by the Holy Spirit through the Apostle John when he had an amazing experience of God while confined for his faith in Jesus Christ on the Island of Patmos. John the youngest Apostle spent his last years at Ephesus where he looked after Mary the mother of Jesusas he had been asked to at Jesus crucifiction.

Eph. 2:1- 10.

A. What we were B.C !

1. DEAD v.1,5. spiritually dead to God like “you’re a dead man” bone pointed at you

2. DISOBEDIENT just following the desires of our bodies and minds with no thought of God who has created us and all creation

3. WORLDLY following the world’s evil way Psalm 1:1

4. DEMONISED controlled by the spirit of the air (Satan) fallen angles


B. What God has done for us !

He has shown us:

Ÿ His abundant mercy while we were still dead in our sins

Ÿ His great love toward us

Ÿ His amazing grace and favour to us

1. He has made us alive in Christ.. Born anew as his sons and daughters (see John 1:12)

2. He has saved us from God’s wrath and judgement we deserve

3. He has raised us up with Christ…like putting us in a lift with Christ to the heavenly top floor executive suite. Eg. Hope Gibbons and sons with the first high rise building in Wellington with the executives on the top floor

Or like rising up to resurection life from the burial of baptism


C. Seated us with Christ in Heaven

1. to reign with Him above every name that can be named. Eph. 1:18-23 eg in the city above every name on the concrete and glass buildings. Bnz, vodafone, microsoft

2. It’s by faith which is freely given to us by God

3. So we have nothing to boast about because it’s not by our own efforts but entirely by grace (like Rev. 4 in heaven there is only praise to God and the lamb who was slain)

4. We’re created for good works that He has prepared for us to do and to be our way of life.

Eg. the 72 in Luke 10 going out to proclaim the kingdom and heal the sick. They went out and witnessed Jesus authority and the power of his name. He rejoiced and said their names were recorded in heaven. The opposite to that happened to the Jewish exorcists at Ephesus in Acts 19 whose names were not recognised by the demons who overpowered them.

Some of you have been discovering something of those purposes that God has for you by doing the gifting course and I encourage you to step out in the gifts and motivations and talents that you are discovering in yourselves.

Finish with a time of Sitting and being still and listening to what the Spirit may be saying to us…