Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Gifted and blessed 25 July 2010 Wayne Austin Reading: Like 19:11-26

At the All Whites parade this week through Wellington we celebrated an amazing achievement. Here was a team of virtual no names that made a great achievement of even getting to World Cup. But in interviews before that left NZ they clearly believed they weren't finished – that they expected more success at the actual World Cup. And history will record they did – being only unbeaten team in the tournament! We as Christians can use this as a great example to us. Each one of that team was there because they made the most of their gifts and talents. They were written off by many because they didn't have the star players of the other teams. So how did the All Whites gain our respect and admiration? I believe that how they did is a great lesson to us as Christians in the way we use the gifts God has given to us.

You see each one of us is spceil to God. For you (God) created my innermost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139:13-14).

You and I are special to God and he has created us for a specific purpose. The Apostle Paul said - For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10).

For us to be able to fulfill that purpose God made us each to be unique by gifting us in different ways, and while we are each unique, it is God's plan that that purpose is fulfilled in harmony with others. Just as there are many parts to our bodies, so it is with Christ's body. We are all parts of it, and it takes every one of us to make it complete, for we each have different work to do. So we belong to each other, and each needs all the other. Rom. 12:4-5 TLB.

Just as each player in the All Whites has a different position and role to play in the team - so too do we in the body of Christ, his church. The church can be a bit like a sports team in some ways. Each member may play different positions or roles, but unless you are an absolute star like some of the top players in the world you may possibly not be very effective your own. But when each All Whites player came together to play their designated roles in the team they combined to produce outstanding results - away beyond what perhaps they even dreamed of.

It is the same with members of Christ's church. God designed his work to be carried out by his members each playing their part using the gifts he has given us. Sometimes too, we may perhaps not be fully effective on our own. We may not be even noticed but when working together, each one of us has a contribution to make to the whole that their gifting equips them for.

In order for a church to develop spiritual maturity all of its members need to function in the way God designed them to function. For a human body to be in perfect health and to function as it is designed to do, every member must play its part. So it is with the body of Christ. Finding and using our spiritual gifts helps us grow in spiritual maturity. Otherwise we are likely to stay a spiritual babies only feeding on milk - as we are warned 2 or 3 times in the New Testament. We need to exercise and practice our gifts.

The other key factor in the success of the All Whites is that they had a great leader - Ryan Nelson. He is highly regarded and respected all around the world. He leads by example. He really puts his body on the line for his team and his country. But even so he still couldn't do it on his own. He needs his team to back him up and TOGETHER set out on their mission.

In the church we too have a great leader - Jesus. He is utterly inspirational - and he doesn't expect us to do anything he hasn't done before. He too put his body on the line - to the ultimate way anyone possibly on the cross could because of his love and commitment for us. He has experienced everything we are ever likely to, so his leadership method is to show the way too. But he needs us to back him up too and TOGETHER we can help him achieve his mission to spread his gospel. But we have to be available and willing to listen and follow – and then he will lead and empower us. Our church here in Churton Park need to work together too, with Jesus as our leader – not waiting until a new vicar comes – but working together NOW.

When we do we will experience joy and fulfilment discovering where and how God wants us to serve him, but especially when we put it into action - and then we will be far more effective in our serving.

God has given every Christian at least one particular gift. No matter how inadequate or ill equipped you may feel, God thinks you are special, he values you, and he has a plan and specific role for you! It is possible for a Christian to live for years without realising they possess a particular gift. This can be the reason for feelings of lack of fulfilment in their life for Jesus. It is therefore vital that Christians discover their particular gifting to be in the right place for Christ.

I have said we really need more musicians to help share the responsibilities with everyone so busy and committed in many ways. I feel a bit guilty saying that because many years ago in college I play the cornet in the school band. I was useless - couldn't play to save myself - couldn't even march in step to the tune. I only did it because my brother had left school a year before me and was a very good musician, so there was an expectation on me. It was a very good band. We even played at the opening of Parliament one year, and before a rugby test match in Christchurch. But I managed to hide myself in the middle of the band and the rest of the band covered up for me - quite embarrassing now that I remember it. That was not the right place for me. I thought the right place for me at that time was on the sports field - but I guess it was felt I needed some culture in my life too.

In the gospel reading we heard how the servants who used the talents their master have given them to good effect were rewarded. The one who didn’t had his taken away. The message is that God has given us gifts to use. They are a waste of time unless we exercise them. The All Whites would have spent 1000's of hours practising and exercising their gifts - just like anyone who has the passion and the desire to be the best they can be. Surely that has to be our attitude as Christians too? Surely we want to do our best for Christ after all he has done for us?

We therefore need to find our gifts and our place in the body of Christ to fulfil the part God has designed for us. We will be running another gifting course this year to help you do this. But it is critical to put into action whatever your calling is.

Every Christian is a called person - called to be what Christ wants us to be. We just have to be us — the person God designed us to be, and use whatever gift he has given us. As long as we are open and available for him to use we will contribute to his mission for the church in our own unique way, but in harmony with others.

We as individuals can’t do everything. Sometimes we have to recognise that a particular task is not for us to do and leave it for someone else with that particular gift. I should never have played in the school band - that was not my gifting or passion. The result was frustration for me - and I am sure for my music teacher. But also it wasn’t fair on the rest of the band. They had to carry me. It is much better and easier if everyone pulls their weight instead of hoping someone else will cover for you – like I did in the band.

You see God always gives us excellent resources for his mission - to spread the gospel. I believe that sometimes that may mean that if we don't have the people or other resources at a particular time then we as a church may have to accept that task isn’t meant to be done at that particular time. And there are perhaps some things in that category for us as a church at present - just not at this time - but later in God's time.

Each one of us has to account for how we use the gifts God has given us - just as we heard about the servants in the gospel reading.

  1. We have to grasp God's passion for mission and building his church.
  2. We must trust God that he knows best and has given us gifts appropriate to what he has for us to do.
  3. We need to operate like Jesus did - others focussed - not self centred.
  4. We need to use the gifts God has given us.

OR as we are told in Luke - like the untrustworthy servant - the gifts could be taken from us. But if we do use our gifts as God wants us to he will reward us and bless us amazingly - just as in the parable where he rewarded the faithful servants very richly. And in doing so will be maturing spiritually.

There are times - or seasons - when there may be reasons for us not doing with our gifts what is intended for us. For example - illness - particular stages of family life with children growing up – worn out doing the same thing for many years in the church. For me there was a phase last year when I was worn out from many years of doing a lot of “stuff” in this church. I didn't know what ordination meant for many- particularly as a role in our church. Now I have this interim role, but what after that? I don't know, but God does. I don’t need to worry because God has his plans - and that gives us confidence. But it is important that we get stuck in and do what God has called us to do now – right at this present time. We are not to be concerned about the future, but must deal in the NOW – and not wait and see.

I learned through that experience that rest from Christian service is different from rest in the secular sense. We CAN'T shut off from God. We CAN'T ignore him in order to have a rest. Resting for a Christian actually comes about by spending more time with him - not less. In Matt.11:28-30 Jesus told us how to deal with this. Withdrawing completely from Christ and his service is not an option. What Jesus offers is his help to enable us to cope so we aren't trying to do things in our own strength, but in the power of the Holy Spirit. When you allow him to minister in you and through you, Paul tells us in Ephesians 3 - when we are willing God is able to do far more abundantly than we can ever imagine.

So be encouraged — TO BE YOU — the person God designed you to be. Be available and willing.

I have been focussing mainly on the gifts that God gives us.

However, there are still basic duties that have to be done to run a church or a ministry that don't necessarily need special gifting. In a home there are chores such as cleaning, washing the dishes, and so on, that just have to be done to for it to function as a home. Some people enjoy those chores, some don't. But they still have to be done. The same applies in the church. Certain tasks have to be done, such as setting up seating, sound desk, welcoming, etc., for it to function as it should. Again some people enjoy those chores, some don't. But they must be done regardless of what our specific gifting is. We are called to be humble and follow the example of Jesus who said “I came not to be served, but to serve." (Matt. 20:28).

I have mentioned often this year how blessed we are as a church family with the commitment of many of our folk in serving the Lord. I have also mentioned some areas of critical need for help in order for us to function in the way Christ designed us to function - as a body working in unison with each other and as a team - like the All Whites.

Those areas are:

  1. Sound desk
  2. Setting up for church services
  3. Music teams and leaders
  4. Outreach coordinator
  5. Small Groups/Discipleship coordinator

All are vital or we don't function properly. These are areas that I believe God DOES want us to develop. They are critical - covering our corporate worship, mission, and discipleship. At the clergy conference the guest speaker, Bishop Graeme Cray, speaking about fresh expressions and the missional church said those 3 ministries go hand in hand. We can't have one with out the other. The 40 Days of Purpose principles include those 3 ministries - along with fellowship and serving - as the 5 key non-negotiable ministries for the Christian church.

So what are we going to do about it? Are we going to sit back and hope someone else will do it? The sound desk and set up tasks don't need particular skills or gifts, but they need to be done. And the more people who help the less times people have to be rostered on.

The other three roles do need particular gifts and passion. Are those what YOU have to offer to God?

I encourage you to seek what God has for you. To be open to that. To be available and willing to serve him - just as Jesus came to serve, and not to be served. That is a wonderful attitude to have and to act on and to grow to spiritual maturity. That doesn't just happen - we have to work with God for that to come about.

I pray that you will know clearly God's call on your life, and in so knowing experience a fulfilling and fruitful life in serving him.

Sunday, July 4, 2010



Lina’s testimony from Alpha.

Acts 19; Ephesians 4:1-3,17- 6;9; Revelations 2:1-7


Recall SIT sermon on positional salvation: God’s grace in Christ saveds us from sin and certain eternal death and raised us up to be seated with Christ in the heavenly kingdom to pray down the k. of God on earth. Like directors on the executive top floor or seated in a jet plane above the clouds and dark sky.

Today: Walking with Christ the new Christian lifestyle

Intro: Eph: 4:1, 17,5:2,8 and 15 five times in the KJV St Paul implores us from his imprisonment to walk in a new lifestyle, a Christian lifestyle involving new re lationships, new morality and new attitudes. This is so important because it’s how we put feet on our faith, feet for walking out the new life. It’s where the rubber hit’s the road! It’s walking with a purpose like a soldier marching to get to a destination. ”We’re marching to Zion…”

In Ephesus the new Christians shined out with the love of Christ in a very dark and cruel Roman world: “See how these Christians love one another” it was said of them. Amongst the immorality of those times and fear of death they went singing to their deaths as the drunken crowd at the colosseums jeered at them. At Auschwitz a Nazi guard threatened to shoot a member of a labour group because a shovel was missing. Fr. Koller stepped forward and said it was him so he was killed. He knew the man had a family and that man and his family now are forever mindful of that amazing example of Christian life.

3 keys to walking the Christian lifestyle: LOVE: LIGHT and WISDOM.

(1) How to WALK IN LOVE: Eph 5.1-2: ‘Therefore be imitators of God as beloved children, and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.’

The things that love is not: Eph. 4:17- 24 (Living NT)

Four contrasts: Eph 4: 25-29

1. Stop lying……….. tell the truth

2. Be angry………… but get over it quickly

3. Stop stealing…… do honest work eg Kohatere boys

4. Don’t use bad language…. Say what is good and helpful eg me delivered from swearing

FOUR NEW RELATIOSHIPS: CHURCH; MARRIAGE; CHILDREN and FAMILY; WORK where you can walk out your Christian life.

1. CHURCH: Eph 4: 1-4( Living NT)

Paul’s earnest appeal to Christians

Ÿ Walk worthy because you have been chosen people and called by God

Ÿ Be humble and gentle and patient with each other in the church

Ÿ Eager to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace

Because we are one body in Christ, one Lord and one Spirit

2. MARRIAGE: Eph 5:21- 33(Amplified)

Mutual submission in respect for Christ

- a marriage makeover! Roman and Hebrew and Moslem marriage was very harsh and without much love. Christian marriage is centred not on rules but on Christ and at the foot of the cross together our sins and divisions are taken away. With Christ in the Marriage His love poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit can help us love each other and forgive each other because we each have been forgiven much more by Jesus death and his blood shed for us.

Being open and transparent and saying “I’m Sorry” first is a key. Yes the Lords prayer applies to marriage. Ps. Murray Robertson quote

Ÿ Wives, serve your husband as a service to the Lord. Men need to be respected and this helps them feel appreciated. If he doesn’t feel respected at home sometimes a man will spend his time where he does feel accepted and respected.. let alone loved

Ÿ Husbands take responsibility: Find ways of supporting your wife and family e.g. pay the bills; put out the rubbish; do the dishes; plan the holidays; find ways to give your wife a break from always taking responsibility to do everything at home. Don’t be another child for your wife to manage!

3. CHILDREN and FAMILY : Eph. 6;1-4(Amplified)

Ÿ Children obey your parents because they are given toyou by the Lord to bring up. They are His representatives for them. By honouring your parents you will be blessed as God promises because he is committed to family life. Many of the 10 commandments are set forth to protect and honour marriage and family life.

Ÿ Fathers particularly are charged to oversee the spiritual development of their children. One of the greatest privileges we have as parents is to pray for and with our children and to share Christian books including the Bible with them. (Manna Books and music has great resources to help you do this. Fathers should make sure their children respect their mother. Discipline and boundaries is something parents need to talk through and agree on so they are in unity so the children feel secure and can’t play one off against another.

4. WORK: Eph 6: 5-9 (Living NT)

Another place to walk out the Christian lifestyle

Ÿ Workers serve diligently as unto the Lord and the Lord will reward you for the good you do.

Ÿ Managers treat your workers well because like them you are serving the Lord too Don’t be harsh with your staff or those for whom you have responsibility.

(2) How to WALK IN THE LIGHT of CHRIST Eph 5:8

Contrast the fruit of the Spirit with the darkness of the world

Ÿ Eph 4:!7- 24 (Living NT) The ‘sex in the city’ lifestyle is not of God. It is not funny and it creates many broken hearts. Eg Foxton and Shannon in the 1970s. Adultery and fornication were condemned by God not to spoil fun but to save people from hurt.

Ÿ Walk in the light of the relationships in Church, home and at work as above

(3) How to WALK WISELY

Contrast 6 ways of grieving the Holy Sprit with 5 ways of welcoming God’s Spirit

Ÿ Eph.4 30- 31: These 6 things grieve the Holy Spirit ; All bitterness; all wrath; all anger; all wrangling; all slander and all malice. This is how Satan works to ruin relationships in church, family and work. These attitudes cause division and hurt and many beautiful friendships and great revivals have been snuffed out by people choosing to hold on to their bitterness.; no matter how well deserved. Eg KPC,eg over an estate in a family.

Ÿ But God has a better way. Verse 31, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another as God in Christ has forgiven you”

Ÿ Eph 5: 15-20(NRSV), eg couple at KPC with Cecilie Graham marriage healed.

Ÿ Don’t get wasted with alcohol or any drugs. Get stoned on the Rock of ages!

Ÿ Be being again and again filled with the Holy Spirit. How? 5 things

Ÿ speaking Psalms and Hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things unto God the father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Eg Massey eg Wed at our last Alpha evening.

Ÿ NOW LET US COME BEFORE THE LORD. In confession then worship and communion.