CPAC Sermon for 28.2.2010 by John
“Show forth my glory in 2010; preach my Gospel”
· Ephesians 3: 7-13
· 2Tim 4:1-8 and Why? 1 Tim 2-4
· Is 43:10 and 44:8 You are my witnesses, says the LORD
· Is there any God besides me? There is no other rock.(see Acts 2: 36-42+Acts 3:12)
· Rom 10 6-17 How will they hear without someone to proclaim Him?
How can I be a witness and share my faith?
1. Pray for opportunities and divine appointments and boldness Acts 4:31
2. Start with testimony in witnessing your own and other peoples testimonies and CPACs story
3. Recognise divine appointments when people share needs with you.
4. Invite and bring people to hear Evangelists like Pat and Bill Subritzky 17-18th April
5. Receive training and equipping such as at the Bill Subritzky Evangelism and Healing Seminar17th April
6. Bring people on Alpha: Wed evenings during 2nd term at St Johns hall.