Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever
Wonder what sort of week you have had? Did you know at the start the way it would pan out? Our week was varied and challenging, particularly settling into this new role. But I guess it was just like anyone settling into a new role. Change can take some getting used to.
It is how we approach change that makes the difference and who we look to to help us adjust and cope.
I have woken in a cold sweat a couple of times at 4AM wondering how I was going to cope. At those times my mind has gone back to an old song………….. "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of his glory and grace." And I have prayed "Lord I believe you have called me into this. I need you to guide me in handling these things." And I can tell you he certainly has. Very quickly the issues troubling me seemed to be resolved. Very clearly the person to look to at all times is Jesus.
You see if I had known what the outcome would be I would never have needed to pray that prayer and to put my trust in him. The outcome could have been seen as about me and my ability and not about Jesus. That is the great confidence we can have - it is not in our hands but in Christ’s…………..IF we trust him!
I have very clear recollection of the text that was written on the wall behind the pulpit in the church I grew up in, in Christchurch . It was in polystyrene lettering that stuck out from the wall - giving it even more impact. So I can remember it clearly. It was……………………
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Heb.13:8)
You see the one and only constant through change in our lives is Jesus.
In Col.1 we read…… When Jesus came to earth he was God in the flesh. He existed at the beginning of creation. What Jesus represented on earth was the character of God in every aspect. And now we know that when Jesus returned to heaven from earth he is seated at the right hand of God. Jesus was there in the beginning, is now, and ever will be. What or who else could we possibly need?
And……………so importantly for us…….HE, Jesus, is the head of our church. Not me. Not John. Not whoever it is that God has to come here in the future. It is Jesus.
Note the Cross. I haven't put it there to make a statement just for the sake of change or doing something new. I have put it there to remind us all that Jesus must be at the centre of our church ……… the centre of our thinking……….at the centre of all we do…………at all times………..and especially now as we look to see what the future holds.
It is not whether I like this person or that person standing up here that will determine where I worship. As long as that person is committed to loving and serving the Lord it shouldn't matter. What must matter is that we too love and serve the Lord. He must be at the centre of our lives……… individuals……..and as a church body. Stating the obvious perhaps?
Let us make sure that that obvious is reality and that we don't forget who really is the head of our church……...Jesus.
For some time as I thought what I would say today, I had had that Colossians passage in my mind. It seemed so appropriate about the supremacy of Christ and that he is the head of the church. But over the last week or two the founding scripture of Churton Park Anglican Church has kept coming to me in various ways…….other people mentioning it and so on. And a couple of days ago my devotional reading was just that passage. John 15:1-17.
My devotional was about the importance of love and how we must really major in love….. in the way Jesus commanded us, but especially in our church family.
Read John 15………..
There are a number of messages we can take from this passage, but what I want to focus on today is that aspect of remaining, or abiding, in Christ. What does it mean?
It is to grow deeper into Christ - to seek him - to know him better - to have a great trusting relationship with him - to be obedient to him - to be strengthened and refreshed by him - and empowered by him.
Talk about Elders discussing people feeling tired in ministry. I have thought the normal way to deal with this is to take time out and have a rest. Jesus did that. We read where he often went away to a quiet place on his own. But it is what he did then that is the point of difference. He spent time with his father, seeking him, ADIDING in him - enjoying his relationship with him, and being refreshed as a result.
So the Christian way is actually contrary to the way we are used to happening in the world's sense. To be refreshed from spiritual tiredness we actually have to work harder!!
We have to press into God - to know him more and more closely - to learn from him and know his ways.
Tell about my experience 5 years ago of burnout and resulting bible study that led to a spiritual awakening and refreshing.
We can learn a couple of lessons from doing this and abiding in Christ…….
1. God doesn't expect us to do more than he has called or equipped us to do. This applies for us both individually……..and as a church body. God will supply all our needs.
I believe that if we don't have certain resources we are not meant to try and do those things at that time. God will provide those resources at the right time to act upon.
2. Also……that weakness/tiredness in serving God can also be a strength. This is because it is at those times we have to call on God to provide the power and enabling…..
Note Paul's claims in 2 Cor.12:9-10 and Phil.4:13
I often think of those passages and draw strength and encouragement from them.
Think back to the vine imagery. The vine of course is the main stem or support. It is the source of all nourishment and strength………….in fact everything that the branch and fruit needs comes from the vine. They can't exist without it, let alone flourish. Our vine, Jesus, gives his branches, us, LIFE. And from that comes the fruit.
That is why we must centre on Jesus…………..abide in him.
If I have anything to offer you over these coming months it is this - Jesus Christ.
No-one, not even the great preachers or respected Christian leaders around the world can offer you anything greater.
Jesus is all we need. And I can tell you with great assurance that will be enough.
May we, over these coming weeks as we handle changes in our church, may we please look to Jesus for his guidance, and his empowering. That it isn't our will or our agenda that are sought. But that it is his will and that he is central.