Sunday, March 8, 2009

28 Dec 2008 LUKE 2: 22-40

CPAC sermon 28 Dec 2008

Luke 2:22-40

When a grandparent, or anyone for that matter, but especially a grandparent, tenderly holds a baby in their arms, it’s like we glimpse a bit of what God hopes and plans for the world.
Just for a moment, time is suspended when that baby is gently held
and lovingly looked upon. In that small child, we gaze upon all that is good and perfect and whole, and our hearts know nothing but joy and gladness,
just for that moment in time.
When Simeon held the baby Jesus it was truly a momentous moment.
He was now reassured that God was still planning good things for the world!
When Anna saw the baby Jesus, she too was extremely excited!
Both Simeon and Anna saw in this baby someone whom God would use to change the world for the better.
Remember, the Jewish nation had been waiting about 400 years for this to happen because the context of their thinking was based on the book of Malachi, written about 400 years earlier.
The Jewish people were living with indifference and a
spiritual lethargy.
They had forgotten how good God had been to them,
they were deserting their Jewish heritage,
and they were treating God with dishonour.
The Jewish nation needed a Saviour more than ever now.
Malachi reminded them that one from the Lord would come
who would help them.

In chapter 3 Malachi says,

“The Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to His temple”.
So this was God’s promise to them - a promise for which Simeon and Anna had waited all their lives.

After being prompted by the Spirit of God,
they now saw that promise being fulfilled in this newborn baby.
And so they began to praise God and to speak about the
child to all who would listen.
Each year in our household we receive a number of Christmas letters from friends with catch-up news about themselves.
Always, the letters are full of the wonderful things that have happened to, and been achieved by their children or grandchildren.
In the same way Linda and I share similar annual highlights about our own family life.
We share such things because we are proud and excited about what our families have been doing.
Sharing such things always renews our hope and assures us that things are generally going according to plan.
In sharing such things, we glimpse a bit of what God plans and hopes for us, through our own lives, and the lives of our children.
Just as Mary, Joseph, Simeon and Anna were prompted and guided by God, we recognise that we too have been prompted by the Spirit of God.
We have been prompted
to bring ourselves and our children here today,
to praise and thank God,
and to be blessed by God together with His gathered church
We, as followers of Jesus Christ, are people of hope.
We believe in a God who, as Revelations chapter 21 says,
“is making all things new”.
This new creation is unfolding.
In spite of the many atrocities in the history of our world,
in God, there are more signs of hope than of despair.
Today, in our church family we see those signs of hope.

In our church family we see that God is still planning good things for the world.

Jesus as the Light of the world

now passes on His light to you and I.

To believe in a God of hope and to be a follower of Jesus

is not blind optimism.

It is a quiet assurance that what God has promised, will come to pass.

Its that same assurance that Simeon had

as he waited patiently for God to reveal to him

the One who would be the Saviour of the world.

In that helpless small baby, Simeon & Anna saw God’s glory.

As we look upon each other, and share our lives together,
let us also recognise God’s glory,

and the light of Christ that shines within, and from, each one of us….

Do meditation using “Stones” …. combine our prayers, offering, personal confession, surrendering ourselves to God etc) based on 1 Peter 2.

Stones are rich in symbolism, often mentioned in bible, and used to build a cairn or memorial to God ( landmark, monument).

Invite you to
Wash stone > personal confession, clean start, surrender self, etc

Build a cairn to make a symbolic statement on our journeying with God and where we are at now in our lives
Bring your Offering to God
Offer a prayer (written on paper provided)…